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"I don't like her." I told Adam as we left the office of my second appointment with my therapist.

Adam and I were walking hand in hand as we walked to an AA meeting I had to attend. I've been attending all three that started this month. Total snooze fest. The only reason I couldn't ditch was because Adam always attended them with me.

"Well, that's too bad kid. She's one of the top therapists in New York and this is a doctors order."

I grit my teeth knowing every word he was saying was right. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." I mumbled back.

We walked in silence, only the wind was our noise. I was bundled up with a coat and scarf while Adam seem unbothered by the beginning of winter in New York. When I told him he could catch a cold he said, "no, the cold is gonna catch me." Whatever that means.

We finally reached the building where the meeting was being held as it is held in the same building and in the same room all the time. I thanked Adam as he opened the door for me and allowed me to step inside first. I was about to walk into the room thinking that Adam was going to be right on my shoes when he pulled me back.

"I gotta run errands today so I won't be able to stay with you. I'll be back in time to pick you up, okay?"

I was ecstatic inside. I was totally going to ditch the meeting, but I was definitely not gonna let Adam know that. He'd freak out. What he doesn't know wouldn't kill him. It's just an AA meeting for cripes sake. Besides, I have been so good with taking my meds. Sometimes. Adam had been at work all week and he thinks I've been taking my meds when I haven't. I just wrap them in a tissue and throw them in the trash so Adam won't notice that the bottle is still filled. I hate taking those pesky pills, they make me feel like a zombie.

"Yeah, okay. No problem."

"Kiss goodbye?"

I stood on my tiptoes and planted a kiss on his lips and pulled back, both of us with a grin slapped across our faces.

"Go do your errands big boy." I laughed.


The meeting was painfully boring. Lots of crying and tissues being passed around. Not my scene at all.

"I'd rather shoot myself in the leg then have to listen to some cryer up on the podium again."

I snickered and turned to see the voice was coming from a woman next to me.

She had a bored expression on her face. Her hair was a dirty blonde that reached down to her stomach. She sported a pair of jeans and sneakers along with a tank top paired with a cardigan. I guess she wasn't affected by the New York weather either.

I couldn't help but stare at her bold red lip. I wish I would have that confidence.

"Jessa." I turned my stare from her face to her hand which I shook back. Her arm had some tattoos along with many bracelets and rings.


"I like your name Maddie. I'm jealous."

I was jealous of her accent.

"Thank you."

"How's about we get out of here? Cause some good ol' trouble."

"Ugh, thank you. I thought you would never ask. If I have to listen to one more goddamn person, I'll probably have a brain injury."

Jessa laughed and took my hand as she stood up.

"I really like you. C'mon."

I couldn't help but also laugh as Jessa pulled me towards the door with her, the cold lobby air blasting across my face.

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