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Maddie POV

I woke up feeling somewhat refreshed from last night and smiled to myself. Adam said he loved me. I felt my grin widining at the thought.

I reached over the bed to find that the large body was not next to me.

"Adam!" No answer.

I sighed and pushed the covers away from me and stood up finsing it difficult due to the throbbing in between my legs.

Damn Sackler.

I made my way towards the small kitchen in careful steps reminding myself to take a Tylenol after breakfeast. I spotted a note that was hung up on the fridge with a magnet.

Went to go pick up your meds.


Adam didn't have much to make so I decided on a simple ham and cheese sandwhich.

I sat on his couch watching tv when I heard the door opening and saw Adam walk in wearing a hoodie and some sweatpants.

"Hey." I called back.

"Hey kid. Whatchu eating?"

"Ham and cheese sandwhich."

I watched him walkover to the couch and I made room behind me so that I leaned against his chest, his hands wrapping against my wasit. I sighed contently and I could feel Adam's gaze on me as I watched the weather report. More snow. Yippie.

"Someone slept good."

I turned and smiled at him, "yeah, I guess I did."

Adam pushed me to a sitting postion and I frowned as I watched him walk over to his counters and shove bottles into his arms.

He looked at me with a pointing look, "I got your meds."

"Thank you." I didn't spare a glance at them as the thought of medication disgusted me now. I knew taking these pills would relax my mood and surrender my thoughts to where I wouldn't be able to think coherently anymore and let alone, I would become tired for the whole day. And to think that I have to take this medication until my doctor decided I wouldn't have to anymore. I then realized that I have to go to support group and see a therapist. Yawn.

"Are you okay, kid?"

I snapped out of my thoughts realizing I spaced out when I didn't mean to and saw that Adam placed all my pills on a napkin along with a glass of water.

"Um, yeah. I'm fine."

Adam only glared at me trying to figure out if I was telling the truth or not and he seemed to figure it out when I heard him let out his signiture deep sigh and run his hands over his face.

He took my hands into his and I stared up at him with wide eyes, "please tell me what's wrong." I couldn't lie anymore when Adam was making his puppy face with his big 'ole eyes and his pouting lips.

I chuckled and started fidgeting with my hands untill Adam held them steady and he hooked a finger under my chin so that I was forced to look up at him.

"I'm just worried because all this medication affects my mood and I won't have control of my thoughts and I'll be so tired all the time and not to mention that I have to go to support group and see a therapist and I don't know if I can do this because I'm so scared I'll fail and I'll be stuck on this medication for the rest of my life and I'll just be a lifeless body on meds for all eternity with not a single thought anymore and-."

"Whoa, kid. Please stop worrying. I mean, I know your worried but let's just take it one step at a time. I know the medication is going to make you feel weird but we will both get through it, I'll be next to you the whole time."

He took my hands into his again, "I, Adam Sackler, love you Maddie Levy. I will be with you the whole time no matter what it takes, no matter if you push me away again because I will just come back to you like a boomerang. I'm like your own personal boomerang."

I sniffled a little before I chuckled, "my mom never let me have a boomerang, said they were too dangerous." Adam and I both laughed at my corny joke.

After I finished eating and Adam and I both watched television a little while, he came back to sit in front of me and held the glass of water in front of my face silently telling me that it was time to take my medication.

I felt like I was in a mental institution almost, except their would be no way to hide my meds. I'm ready for my mind to turn to mush I grimly thought.

I took one pill and drank some water before doing the process all over with the two other pills. It only took a second for them to start working as I could feel my mind getting a little fuzzy as if someone else was taking control of my body. It really sucks being on antidepressant pills if I'm being honest, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

"Adam, bed please." It felt like I literally had no voice left as I was slowly starting to drift asleep.

I felt myself being carried into his arms as I was gently placed onto his bed but I felt him get up as I clinged to his shirt last minute. "Can you stay please?" The only thing I saw before I fully drifted off was the shake of his head as I hit the soft, cool pillow.


Adam POV

I stayed with Maddie most of the time when she slept. I liked watching the way her body would move up and down with her breaths and occasionally I would move the pieces of hair that covered her face and tucked them behing her ears.

While she was sleeping, I was reading my new script for a part I got before Maddie was in her accident. I was really behind and I needed to learn my lines fast. I aleady talked to Ray at the coffee shop about looking over Maddie on days when I had to rehearse with the group at the theater.

I was interrupted by a knock on my door and I groaned not wanting to deal with anyone and having to leave Maddie in the bed all alone.

I walked to my door and opened it, dumbfounded when I saw who was at the door.

Omg who do you guys think it is??? Also, please go read my new fic I put out, I already released a couple of chapters already. It's called "When My Life Changed." and it's a modern highschool Ben Solo AU. It's really cool and it's been very fun to write much like this book so please give it a read if you find the chance.

Reminder to please take care of yourself and stay hydrated and know that you are doing great :)

Also if I have any Asian Readers, I am deeply sorry for the target your community has recieved. It is uncalled for and very tragic knowing what is going on in the news today and I hope justice will be served. I pray for the families who have lost their love ones during the tragic shooting that day.

Love you all very much.

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