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I let out a squeak as Adam pounced on me and pinned my writs above my head.

He was looking at me like I was going to be his next meal.

I watched as Adam used one hand to take off his belt, our loud breathing was the only sound we could hear in his bedroom other than the occasional honking coming from the street.

"You want to act like a fucking brat? I'll treat you like one."

I licked my lips as he wrapped my wrists in the belt and tied them to the bedpost leaving me restrained and immobile.

I felt his large fingers grasping my jaw, "open."

I meekly opened my mouth not sure where he was going with this until Adam spit into my mouth.

He spit. In. My. Mouth.

I felt a warm feeling start to kindle into my lower regions and I started to rub my thighs together trying to relieve any tension.

Adam closed my jaw, the same ferocity in his eyes as he continued to ignore my precense in the room.


I did. Not that I had any choice but I still felt wierd because no one has made me swallow their spit before.

I saw a bit of drible coming from Adam's mouth where he just spit but he didn't bother to wipe the liquid that was currently running down his pale glistening chest, driving me crazy knowing that he was doing this purposefully.

I squirmed when I felt Adam's hands pulling up my large shirt which left me with only my panties and my nipples exposed to the cold air in this room.

He let the shirt settle onto my wrists and looked over my body with a smirk.

If only I could see into his devious plans.

I gasped as I felt his fingers hook into my wasitband and yank down my panties leaving me bare to the naked eye. I felt my wetness on my panties as Adam pulled my panties away from my thighs and off of my legs.

I watched as Adam sniffed my panties and let out a groan.

I stared in confusion as Adam left the room and came back in with a stool. I watched him curiously as he shook off his jeans leaving him in his black briefs as he went to sit in the stool right in front of me.

What was his game?

And then I figured it out. My eyes went wide as I saw Adam pull his briefs down, releasing his now hard member.

He wrapped his large hand around his hard on and began to jerk himself off right in front of me.

I lay there stunned at the sight unfolding in front of me while I clenched every muscle in my body.

"What's the matter? Can't touch yourself? Why don't you use your hands?"

I groaned at his horrible joke and whimpered as I felt my body surrendering to the scene of Adam pumping his cock. I could feel the liquid pooling in between my thighs which made my position more uncomfortable.

"Adam!" I groaned.

"Shit- what's the matter kid? I thought you could talk all that game but now I see that you're crumbling and we haven't even begun to play."

"I need you! Please."

"Huh, that's a shame. I'm just about to finish."

I groaned, frustrated as I tried to wiggle out of my restraints knowing it would be of no use.

My stomach was rising with each shaky breath I took as I tried to steady my heart rate.

"Oh fuck."

I watched as cum spilled out of Adam's cock and thought angrily that it could've gone to me instead.

Adam turned towards me as I tried to lick up all the drool that was probably spilling from my lips.

"Did you learn your lesson?"

I shook my head furiously as I needed him inside me or I was going to explode like a pinata.

I whimpered as he straddled me on the bed, his member lying on my stomach. I whimpred when I felt him pinch my hard nipple in between his finger as he rolled it around. He did the same with the other.

He quickly turned me over to where I was now laying on my stomach as he brought my thighs up so my ass was sticking up and my head was laying on the pillow.

I groaned he opened my legs revealing my dripping cunt. I greedily rolled my hips back which landed a harsh slap to my ass only fueling my arousal.

"Look at you, dripping for me. How cute."

I mewled as I felt his hand cup my sex and rub.

I was given no warning as Adam thrusted himself into me and then he pulled out and slammed back into me again repeating the process until I felt myself climbing up. As I tried to roll my hips against his thrusts, it would only land me with a another slap on my backside and a groan from the heat that emitted from my ass.

I needed a hand on me.

"Fuck Adam! Please!"

"Please what kid? What do you want? Tell me."

"Rub my pussy. Ahh! Please."

"Your wish is my command."

I convulsed as I felt a felt a finger begin to rub on my clit and I felt myself inch closer and closer.

"Adam, I'm gonna cum."

"Cum. Cum on my fucking cock."

It was bliss, I felt in a state of euphoria.

I didn't even feel Adam pull out of me and turn me around to where I was laying on my back.

I shook off my feeling from my orgasm as I felt a warm liquid spread over my face.

I swiped my tongue over my mouth and tasted the cum of Adam Sackler over me.

"Shit kid, that was really good."

I was sleepy and dizzy and only nodded my head, too tired for words.

"Let me clean you up and I'll read you a bedtime story after." I heard him chuckle at his lame attempt of a joke.

"Fuck off Sackler."

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