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Adam POV

I admit I did get out of control with Maddie and she didn't deserve it. I shouldn't have yelled at her or put my hands on her and I felt awful about it.

I was really angry with her that she's been throwing away her meds and she got drunk with Jessa, I should've talked to her instead of resorting to yelling at her.

I eyed the glass in my apartment and groaned not wanting to pick it up. Maddie still was in my bathroom as she locked herself in there. I did feel bad, I scared the poor girl. I didn't know whether to knock of just leave her alone and let her come out on her own. I decided on the seond option. We both needed to calm down after what happened.

I put my ear to the door to see if I could hear anything, I sighed in relief as I heard heavy breathing knowing that she fell asleep in exhaustion from our arguement.

I walked back into the living room ignoring the glass that surrounded the floor and put away my groceries that have been sitting on the counter for too long.

Maddie POV

I woke up, groaning and holding my head. My body was cramped as I fell asleep in the tub, the memories of the fight flooding back into my memory. Too much happened and we were both in the wrong state of mind.

I stripped out of my clothes and turned on the shower head, warming up to the water. I exhaled a breath as I wrapped my arms around myself as I stood under the shower head thinking about what just hapened between Adam and I. It shouldn't have happened.

I lathered my hair up with shampoo and rinsed it out. My heart and body were heavy at the moment. I loved Adam, I did, but was I bringing him down while I couldn't care for myself? I bet he could find someone better than me, Adam deserved someone better than me. He was right, I was a manipulator. I didn't change at all when I was with Adam, I remained the same. I put my life in risk drinking with Jessa and I failed to see where Adam was coming from.

I washed my body with some soap and once I rinsed myself off and shut the faucet off, I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel off of the rack. I was scared to face Adam.

I quietly turned the knob and looked out into the empty hallway. I stil didn't have any of my clothes as I've just been using Adam's shirts. It's funny how much I have been depending on Adam andusing his things but I was treating him like shit when all he was doing was trying to make me happy and care for me. I felt like utter shit. Adam was right about everything I was selfish, and he deserved better than me.

I quietyl walked into his room and opened the drawer and pulled out another one of his shirts that are a million times too big for me. I dropped my towel and slipped on his shirt, not noticing that Adam was leaning against the doorway.

I finally met his gaze as I pulled my hair out from under the shirt and felt my eyes fill with tears. I also noticed a red blob on his cheek that looked like hit mark. Did I do that? Oh my gosh, I did do that.

I didn't think as I ran into his chest and began crying and blubbering. I looked up at Adam where his eyes were also brimmed with tears. "I am so sorry, Adam."

"Shh. It's okay, it was both of our faults. C'mon, let's go to bed and we'll talk in the morning."

I nodded my head against his chest, not wanting to move.

I guess Adam got impatient with me not wanting to move and I felt his hands hook under mine and I rested my head against the crook of his neck. I held on tighter as I felt Adam sit on the bed and pull me on top of him as he laid down.

We didn't talk, but I did feel his arm wrap around my waist and I snuggled depper into him and I heard Adam's chest shake and realized he was chuckling over me being so needy.

I immdiately fell asleep as I was so tired over all the events that just happened, not quite beieving that it actually happened.

I fell asleep from the body heat from Adam.


I woke up feeling my throat was scratchy and my head pounding. I reached around and Adam was no longer next to me and I frowned.

I flopped back down on the bed embarassed over the events that occured on my part yesterday.

I felt a shift on the bed and quickly sat up on the bed seeing that it was Adam eating some toast. He was about to start speaking when I quickly stopped him, "you were right, about everything and I'm sorry. I was out of line yesterday entirely and you were just trying to help me. I am selfish, and a brat and reckless. I got drunk thinking about only myself and not you and you were probably worried sick about me because I wasn't where you asked me to be."

I was going to speak more but Adam shushed me this time so that he could talk, "I'm really sorry too kid. I didn't mean to get so heated up and say all those things about you. I never meant to grab you like that and scare you as much as I did. I have just been worried sick about you and to find that you were getting drunk just crushed me. I really care about you and I'm sorry for ever hurting you like that."

I took his hands into mine, "thank you for apologizing to me, I think we're both sorry for the stupid shit we did yesterday. I do have something to say, um. It's not going to be easy for me so I'll just go out and say it now."

I looked at Adam who was looking at me with a worried look on his face while I took a deep breath,

"We need to break up."

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