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You saw Adam's eyes focus on the coffee card. You jumped into the bed and tried to grab the card away from but his arms were much longer than yours making it a struggle for you but not for him as he was laughing at you. Laughing at me!

"Adam! Give it back!"

"No way kid. Not until you tell me what it is."

I am so out of shape. Trying to get a tiny card away from Adam was like trying to separate the banana from a monkey. It was impossible.

You sat back on the bed and pushed your messy strands away from your face.


"Sorry, did you say something? I can't hear you."

"Are you really gonna make me say it?"

I put on my best pouty face and wide eyes.

"Something wrong with your face kid?"

You punched Adam in the arm even though it had no effect on him. You just thought it would make you feel better.

"It's a phone number."

"Wow I'm impressed kid. How'd you pull that off?"

"If I knew, I would tell you."

"Give me your phone."

You reached over to the night table where your phone was and handed it to Adam with no hesitation.

"Why do you need me phone? Did you break yours again?" You snickered at the last comment.

Adam looked at the card and dialed the number.

"Wait Adam! What are you doing?"

"I'm dialing the number, isn't it obvious."

"Are you crazy! I don't even know-"

My words were cut off when Adam shoved the phone my way.


"Who is this?"

"It's the girl who made your coffee earlier." Real smooth.

"Oh hey, what's up?"

"Well you wanted to take me out..... so I'm calling."

"Yeah I remember my offer." I heard a chuckle on his end. "When are you free?"

"U-um, how about Friday night?"

"Yeah that sounds great. What's your address? I can come pick you up."

Adam was watching the exchange over the phone the entire time. After I gave him my address, we said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone and glared at Adam with the meanest face I could muster.

"I should make you mad more often. Your mean face is cute kid."

"I could've done that myself you know."

"No you wouldn't have. You should be thanking me or else you would've thrown that card away."

He was kind of right.

"Whatever. I can't believe you made me do that."

He turned towards you with a smirk playing on his lips. You watched as his biceps flexed as he crossed his deliciously large arms across his toned chest.

"Made you do what? You just scored a date kid. You should be happy."

Although you didn't want to show your disappointment, you couldn't control how your face fell. Adam seemed to notice and he gently grasped your jaw to where you were looking at him. He held worry behind his eyes.

"Kid, what's wrong?"

You were silent for a minute before you answered.

"I haven't been on a date since my senior year."

I looked down even thought Adam's hand was still on my face, "what if.... I don't know."

I look up at his face, "what if I screw it up?"

Adam's hand instantly left your face and he stood up from the bed. You licked your lips as you saw that he was naked. Stop getting distracted!

"Get dressed kid."

"What? Where are we going?"

"We're going on a date."

You beamed up at him, "are you serious?"

"Dead serious kid. You like pizza?"


It was nearly 12 am and here you were sitting at some pizza place that Adam took you to. You two probably looked crazy. Adam in his jeans and tight t shirt with his disheveled hair, and you with your too big sweatshirt and long yoga pants along with a messy bun that laid atop of your head. Adam was currently showing you how many pieces of pizza he could eat under a minute.

"Adam stop!" You couldn't form a coherent sentence because you were laughing so hard.

"Adam your going to choke."

The pizza was really good though, and you two were the only ones in the restaurant, so unlimited pizza at the buffet was the plan for the night.

You looked back at Adam to see him watching you.

"I barely know anything about you."

"There's not much to know about me."

"C'mon kid. Tell me your life story, or at least some of it."

"Well, I was born a single child  to loving parents. Or so I thought. My mom started with drinking, then it escalated to using. Anything she could find she used and would bring it back home with her. My dad got fed up and left me there with her and after high school I took everything I had and left. I haven't talked to my dad since freshman year and not my mom since I left after I graduated. Neither of my parents came to my graduation. I never went to prom because I didn't have money for a dress. And that's how I ended up here. Cruddy apartment with a cruddy job except for the cafe and Ray. And you." You added with a smile

"I'm sorry kid. Why didn't you tell me?"

"You never asked. Plus I don't like talking about the past. Your turn."

"We'll just like you there's not much to say either. Moved out here to get away from my parents and my sister. I've always had a passion for theater and acting so that's what I started doing even though it didn't pay well so I was doing odd jobs on the side. Then I met Hannah. What a mistake that was, I mean you even saw her craziness first hand. She still can't get it through her head that we're not together. Anyways, I started getting more and more auditions so that's what I'm currently doing now. And you, I'm doing you right now too."

You rolled your eyes. "Classic Sackler move to ruin the story." You both chuckled.

"I wanted to thank you. For this. I really needed it."

"Don't thank me kid."


Adam and I were both walking towards our apartment complex, but at a leisurely place.

You really shouldn't have eaten that many slices of pizza.

"Why did you let me eat that many slices of pizza? You call yourself a friend." Both of us chuckled as we continued walking down the street.

"Adam? Is that you?"

Ahhhh cliffhanger. Y'all should've seen that coming by now. ALSO WHO DO YALL THINK THAT WAS AT THE END??? This was such a fun chapter though. You got to hear about Maddie's past and Sackler took her on a date 🥺🥺🥺 they grow up so fast. Anyways I hope everyone is well and taking care of themselves, remebr to stay hydrated :)

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