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Your head was becoming foggy as you tried to listen in on the conversation being taken place.

"I don't know what your talking about Adam."

"Oh bullshit Jessa. I know your required to attend AA meetings per your parol officer's orders."

Unfortunately I didn't hear what she said back except for the pounding of footsteps and Adam scooping me into his arms.

My eyes glazed over my surroundings which was in front of the door and Adam pointing his finger accusingly at Jessa.

"We'll talk about this later. Thanks for getting her drunk out of her mind."

Adam slammed the door and let out a deep gruff as he continued to cradle me into his arms. I knew that I was about to be in a whole lot of trouble with Adam but frankly I just wanted to enjoy the remaining hours of alcohol buzzing in my system.

Adam didn't say anything either, I could feel the heat and anger radiating from him but I knew he was saving it up till I was sober and he could unleash it out on me. I only heard the occasionally grunting as he continued to walk in the chilly night.

I dozed off a couple times as he was walking the way towards his apartment and I felt cotton sheets around me. Even though Adam was beyond furious with me, he made the effort to take off my shoes and coat before I settled into a deep slumber knowing that I was gonna get an earful tomorrow morning.


My stomach felt queasy in the morning and I ran towards the bathroom to let out the contents of my mistakes from yesterday. I wouldn't really call it a mistake though, I enjoyed Jessa and her company. She was fun and wild and reckless and I really liked that about her.

After I threw up for a couple seconds knowing that all the vodka has finally come out of my system, I decided to brush my teeth as I was too lazy for a shower.

I could hear the slamming of the door and I was dreading what was about to happen. I decided to come clean and not cower away from Adam and stepped out into the living room where I saw him setting bags of groceries on his limited counter space.

I stood there not knowing what to do as I bit my nails out of nervousness.

I heard a deep sigh and looked over to see Adam rubbing his goatee with his hand.

"What the fuck were you think?"

I was about to speak when Adam put his hand up, signaling me to stop talking.

"No. Don't speak. Your gonna fucking listen, although I don't think you can do that because you didn't listen to me yesterday. I told you to wait for me after the meeting, did I not? I nearly had a fucking heart attack seeing that you weren't in the lobby when the meeting was over. And then I find out that your with Jessa getting yourself drunk to where you can't think straight anymore? Maddie, you almost fucking died and now your starting to drink again? What about me? I have been working my ass off making sure that your okay 24/7 and what do I get, a brat. You have been acting like a fucking brat and a selfish one at that. You don't care about receiving help from anyone, not even me. On top of that, I find that you haven't even been taking your pills, I'm not stupid. I've seen the crumbled up tissues in the trash around my apartment. Did you just not think I wouldn't notice or something?"

I couldn't help the tears that rolled down my face. As Adam started making steps towards me, I took steps back but Adam was quicker than me and he had one hand wrapped around my jaw. When I tried to thrash from his hold, he backed me into a wall to where I was trapped. His eyes were pure black, heat practically rolling off his body. No hint of playfulness at all.

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