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Adam POV

Maddie's back was pressed against my chest with my hands wrapped around her waist with my head resting on her shoulder as she was signing the countless amounts of paper so that she could leave.

Since then, her IV was removed along with her cannula. I listened to her deep sighs and watched the way her face would scrunch up as she was concentrated on what she was reading.


The staff didn't actually let us leave until 4:00 which seemed fucking stupid to me because we finished the papers long before then but was told she needed "monitoring" before being released.

Maddie's papers for all of her prescriptions were in my one hand as I stood near a bench where Maddie sat while I called an Uber.

After 10 minutes, we stepped into the Uber hand in hand. I mumbled the address to the driver as I felt Maddie's head fall onto my shoulder and her small arms wrap around my left arm. I knew she was asleep instantly and I watched her face during the whole ride.

She looked angelic and peaceful as I pushed a strand of her blonde hair away from her face.

I saw as we finally pulled up to the apartment and I handed the driver my card as I gently shook Maddie awake. I chuckled at her sour expression from being woken up as I took my card back.

She didn't protest as I led her into my place and shut the door as one of my hands was wrapped around her waist and I set the papers down on a random counter.

Maddie dropped her bag and I saw her walk towards my bedroom probably to go fall asleep again.

I watched her curl into the sheets as I went towards my bathroom to turn the faucet in my shower so Maddie and I could shower together.

I walked back to her and nudged her shoulder, "Maddie c'mon."

She turned her head to side in protest, "I don't want to, too tired. Come back later."

I didn't listen to her and instead picked her up bridal style into the bathroom setting her on the toilet as I pulled my t shirt over my head.

I watched as Maddie slowly started to undress herself and soon we were both bare as I held open the shower door for her.

Her arms enveloped over my waist as the hot water poured down on the both of us and steam filled the bathroom. We stood there in silence until I heard sniffling and realized it was coming from the small body around me.

I lifted her head up and lifted my hand to stroked her cheek, her eyes were starting to turn red. "Hey, why are you crying?"

"Please don't ever leave me Adam. God. I'm such a fuck up, I don't know how you stayed with me after seeing me like that."

I ran my hand through her soaking locks, "stop talking like that, you are not a fuck up, I don't want to hear those words anymore from you. Maddie, you don't understand how beautiful, intelligent, and courageous you are. I've never met someone like you, someone who's one of a kind. Stop thinking so down on yourself because you are such an amazing person and I will never leave you again."

"I don't deserve you, or your hospitality, thank you Adam."


I washed Maddie's hair first and she waited patiently soaking up the warm water as I washed my hair. I handed her a towel first before going to get my own, Maddie came first. Always.

"Do you have a sweatshirt I can use?"

I watched her walk away from the bathroom as I was busy towel drying my hair. This hair doesn't come perfect you know, it takes finnessing.

"Top drawer."

"What's this?"

I watched Maddie come back with a roll of cash in her hand, the cash I get from grandmother every month for rent. Spoiler alert, I'm the favorite grandkid.

"Money." I said plainly.

Maddie had on a random sweatshirt from my highschool theater days that was twice her size, but she looked hot either way. Maddie could be wearing a trash bag and still look amazing

"From who? And why is there so much?"

"Because It's rent money from my grandmother."

"Your grandmother?" Maddie said it almost sarcastically as if she doesn't believe me.

"Yes, my grandmother. It's hardwork being the favorite grandkid."

Maddie scoffs but puts the money back where it was in the drawer and slips herself underneath the covers while I slip on some sweatpants and meet her underneath the covers.

Maddie POV

It's only been two days I have been with Adam but I could already tell the strong connection we had before I lost my memory, It wasn't hard to rekindle it.

He joined me in bed and I could feel the body heat rolling off his body and I inched myself closer to him to where my head laid on his shoulder, his thumb brushing my cheek back and forth as I hummed and brought my face closer to his warm hand.

"I love you."

OOOOOOH she said the L- word. Sorry that this is such  short chapter then my usual 1000 word ones and I know this one was boring too, sorry. Hopefully I'll be able to make up for it in the next chapter.

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