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I beamed at him.

"I've always wanted to go to the art museum."

"Well then let's do it kid. Whatever you want we can do it, sky's the limit."

"Let me change and fix myself up first."

"Yeah, you look rough kid."

Both Adam and I walked down the hall to his bedroom and I used all my force to push him against the wall.

I laughed as I ran down to his room and locked the door before Adam could get me.


Adam and I sat on the subway seat together as we were on our way to the museum.

I dressed in a flowy red dress with matching silver heels and my silver clutch. My hair was in loose curls falling on my shoulders and my lip was a bold red. Adam was wearing a black suit and blazer next to me.

I wanted my last full day in New York to go out with a bang so I wanted us to dress fancy. I didn't care for the weird looks that Adam and I were getting, all I cared was how confident I felt in this very moment.

I laid my head on Adam's shoulder as the subway continued to clank on the tracks.

I smiled as Adam rested his chin on top of my head and we laced our fingers together.


I stood by Adam's side, holding onto to his bicep as he payed for museum tickets for the both of us.

We started walking through the muesuem, sometimes pausing to silently analyze the art.

Adam and I were standing in front of the Mona Lisa admiring it.

"You know, everyone says her eyes follow you everywhere."

Adam turned towards me, "it's fucking creepy."

"I think it's pretty. I think the way that Leonardo was able to paint her face that realistically is something that othe artists can't achieve, only him."

"I like listening to the way you talk about art."

I turned to him and we were both goofily smiling at each other like idiots.


It was nearing the evening, Adam and I were sitting on a bench in the sculpture room.

"I've had fun kid, even in a muesuem."

"I still got some tricks up my sleeve Sackler."

We both turned our heads to each other and Adam pressed his lips to mine.

I would never get used to Adam's warm plump lips, that's for sure.

He moved a hand under my hair, grabbing the nape of neck and apply pressure but not too hard.

He greedily pushed his tongue into my mouth.

He finally pulled away after our steamy exchange and a blush crept onto my cheeks.

"Let's get out of here."

I nodded my head and eagerly took his hand as we made our way to the exit.


My mouth was drooling as an appetizer of different cheeses and meats along with fruit was placed on a cutting board in front of us.

Adam suprised me and took my to a fancy italian restaurant when I told him I was perfectly fine with getting some iconic New York pizza.

"Are you nervous?"

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