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"You're talking crazy kid."

"No, I'm not Adam. I need help so I am going to go get it. I'm gonna research facilities to help me get sober and then I'll come back and get a job and hopefully we can reconnect again."

"What do you mean hopefully reconnect? You're leaving New York too?"

"Well, yeah. I don't want to be in a facility in the place that caused all my trouble in the first place. It's better for me to leave and the come back once I've gone through the whole program. You understand, right? I'm sure we can write letters to each to each other because they're going to take away all my contact to the outside world."

"But I want you kid. Not your writing."

"I know, I want you too. Trust me, I'd stay if I could but I just can't. I need help and I'm finally ackowledging it."

"I'm going to wait for you, I only have eyes for you Maddie."

"Adam, I can't ask you to do that. Who knows how long I'm gonna be gone and what if you-."

Adam instantly shushed me as he put his finger up to my lip, "I want you Maddie, only you. I only have eyes for you. We have gone through so much shit together and I'm not gonna leave now after everything."

I pull Adam into a hug, "thank you. I'm going to miss you, and Ray, and the coffee shop."

"You hated the coffee shop."

"Yeah, I did hate the coffee shop."

I was rewarded with Adam's deep chuckle while he stroked my hair even after I pulled away from the hug and we reamined sitting close to one another.

"The night you leave, we can have a last dinner with Ray and I. It'll be like a going away party of sorts."

"I'd like that."


Immediately I got to work and started calling around places and searching up the whole web and browsing through every facility there was. I realized I was very picky.

While I was doing this, Adam was sweeping up the glass that was on tha apartment floor from the day before. I shivered at the memory.

Finally I found a facility I liked located in Phoenix, Arizona and began my time to booking myself into the facility. I had to be checked in by noon on Saturday, it was Wednesday now. I didn't bok my plane ticket just yet because I secretly wanted to ask Adam if he wanted to come with me.

I then proceeded to list my apartment room for sale which was easier said then done. I bet a whole lot of suckers would pay anything to get an apartment in the big apple.

I shut the laptop exasperated with the amount of work I had just gotten done over the many hours.

Adam joined me on the couch and swung his arm over my shoulders pulling me closer. "So?"

I turned to him, "I have to be in Arizona by Friday night because my check in is on Saturday at noon."

"That's amazing kid!"

Then I saw Adam frown, "So I only have you for a day and a half left?"

I stared down at my knotting fingers, "well, I was hoping you'd come with me to Arizona so we can be with each other before I leave."

I finally looked up at Adam to see him processing what I just said.


I nodded my head at him.

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