565 18 13


Maddie POV

Adam pulled away to look at me for a second.

Maybe I shouldn't have said that. I just ruined everything. He probably doesn't want to associate with me anymore.

"Whoa kid, I can practically see your mind racing behind your eyes."

He clasped both of my smalls hands into his and brought them towards his lips where he started peppering kisses on them. He picked his head up and flipped his hair so that it wasn't in his eyes anymore.

"I love you too."

I stared at him with wide eyes whereas Adam had a goofy grin over his face to where his dimples on his cheeks stood out.

I didn't think twice as I pounced on him and I pressed my lips with his. Adam was fast to react and his hands grabbed at my hips to where I was now straddling him, our lips never breaking.

Adam's hands reached up to the only article of clothing I was wearing which was his sweat shirt which he peeled off my body, our lips disconnecting for only a second. He finally slipped his warm tongue into mine.

The hairs on my body sticking up being exposed to the cold air and because Adam was still clothed, only the fabric of his sweatpants was between us.

He entwined his hand into my hair and started to pull. His lips left mine but not without his teeth biting into my bottom lip and pulling it outwards.

"Ride my fucking thigh."

I could've sworn I hear a growl come from his mouth. His hand remained in my hair but his lips left mine and instead attached to one breast, invoking me to cry out.

I positioned myself to where I was straddling his thigh and I felt my face turn warm. I think Adam wanted to humiliate me, that was the sexy part. The humiliation of all this.

I pushed my pride aside and moved back and forth, increasing the friction across my aching pussy. I moaned as I was becoming closer as Adam moved his warm, wet mouth to my other breast. His tongue swirling around my sensitive bud. I took my hand and moved it down to my already sensitive clit when Adam grabbed my arm.

"Did I say you could do that?"

I shook my head intimidated by the serious look that was plastered on his face.

Seconds were the only thing I had until Adam pushed me off his lap and onto my stomach. He picked up my body to where I was on all fours, his hands pinning mine to his headboard.

"Don't move them." I shivered as I felt his breath span over my cheeks.

I heard the sound of rustling and plastic ripping. I shrieked when Adam yanked open my thighs, the cold air seeping into my most exposing parts.

I winced as I felt his tip start to enter me, my walls clamping around him.

"Relax." I felt a moment of comfort as Adam rubbed his hand over my back so that I would become less tense.

He slowly pushed himself all the way inside. How? I have no idea. He started slamming into me slowly and then all at once.

"Fuck! Adam."

Adam wrapped my hair around his fist, arching my back which made me feel him even more.

"Fuck I'm gonna cum kid."

I felt Adam's finger aid me in the process and move down to my clit, his finger rolling and pinching it between his fingers. That was it for me, and seconds later I came right onto his fingers and felt Adam pull out and warm liquid spill over my back.

I collapsed onto the bed on my stomach but Adam had different plans.

He grabbed my hair again and I groaned as my back arched.

"Your such a good slut. You deserve a reward. Taste yourself."

I didn't really have a say in the matter as Adam turned my head and popped my jaw with his two fingers that pressed into my cheeks.

Adam spit into my mouth.

"Swallow it."

I reluctantly did and pressed my thighs together. Why did him spitting in my mouth turn me on?

He then roughly shoved two fingers into my mouth and I closed my mouth around them, sucking and swirling my tongue around my tangy arousal. I've never tasted myself but it tasted more salty than sweet.

Adam released his hands around my jaw and I finally collapsed onto the bed, catching my breath.

I felt a weight being lifted off the bed but wasn't really paying attention as I had just been fucked into possibly another galaxy.

I flinched as I felt something come in contact with my back.

"I'm just cleaning you up kid and then we can go to sleep."

I didn't let out any sort of recognition but felt the bed shift so Adam must've been done.

I pulled his comforter over my shoulders as I heard a faucet running then shut. The bed dipped once again.

My eyes fluttered open as I felt a hand brush a strand of hair behind my ear.

I saw Adam with a toothy grin on his face.

"Hey." I responded.

"Hey." He responded.

I responded with pulling myself up which was actually difficult as I felt pain jolt through between my legs.

Adam chuckled and helped me as he hooked his hands under my arms and pulled me so that my body laid on his chest our legs intertwined , my hands wrapped around his neck as my I nestled my head into the crook of his shoulder and neck.

We instantly fell asleep, our bodies stuck together.

Currently in bad traffic right now so I decided to crank out another chapter :) I hope you enjoyed it.

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