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It felt like yesterday was a dream.

But then reality came crashing down on me and I realized I'm leaving New York in less than 4 hours.

The morning seemed like it flew by as I woke up to the smell of Adam making me breakfast and him peppering me with kisses.

Then I took a shower with Adam and got dressed in my airport attire which consisted of sweatpants and a large hoodie. I was too lazy to dry my hair or put on makeup, it's not like anyone else was gonna see me without makeup, except Adam.

I sat on the bed looking out the small window while my leg kept bouncing up and down and Adam was packing some clothes to take with him and other essential items he needed for the short trip.

It started to dawn on me how much I was going to miss Adam and his warm body next to me when I sleep.

"Alright kid, let's hit the road."


The taxi ride to the airport was uncomfortably quiet.

My nerves mixed with my emotions over what was going to happen in the next 24 hours was something I was not ready for and my stomach felt like a pit.

I almost jumped out of my seat when Adam grabbed my hand into a reassuring squeeze and I steadied my breathing.

Adam then rubbed my shoulders, "stop being so tense kid, it'll turn your hair gray by the time we get there."

I answered back with a nervous chuckle.


I stared out the airplane window biting my nails as we we're sitting on the runway waiting to lift off.


I looked over at Adam's worried expression as he pulled my hand away from my mouth and examined the bloody skin where I chewed through my nail tip.

He let out a sigh as he took both of my hands in his hold so that I couldn't further destroy my hands.

"I brought melatonin. Would you like some? It'll help get you're mind off of you're anxiety."

I silently nodded my head and Adam pulled out his backpack and handed me two gummy's.

"They should kick in soon."

I nodded my head and squeezed Adam's hand as I felt the plane moving.

"Is someone scared of planes?"

I squeezed his hand harder to where my knuckles we're turning white. "Terrified."

I felt his finger bring my chin to where I was now gazing at his face.

"Eyes on me. You're okay. We're okay."

I nodded my head and squeezed my eyes shut as I felt the plane lifting up.

My eyes shot open as I felt Adam's plump lips on mine and I immediately felt relaxed  as I returned the kiss. His tongue briefly slipped into mine and I let out a quiet moan, conscious that there are other people on the plane. Adam's hand cradled my cheek and I leaned into it letting out a sigh.

When Adam broke away, I said a small thank you as I wrapped my hands around his bicep and snuggled my head into the crook of his neck as I felt the gummy's start to do it's job.

I groaned as I was being nudged awake.

"We're about to land."

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