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I woke up refreshed and energized which was a new experience given that I hadn't been able to sleep for a week. Maybe befriending Adam wasn't such a bad thing.

I did my daily routine which consisted of showering, and picking out an outfit. I had my telemarketer job in the morning and then in the afternoon to the evening I worked at the cake. I made some coffee, grabbed some toast and by 8 I was out the door. 


The day was boring, not that you were expecting anything more from a lousy office job. Rude customers and shady products, no wonder why not many people decided to work as a telemarketer. I needed the extra money though so I guess I just had to tough it out. Once the clock hit 4, I was out the door and on the way to the cafe, my favorite part of the day. The smell of espresso could never tired me out.


Surprisingly the cafe was slow today as I stood behind the counter looking out into the street while Ray was back in his office doing bills.

After mindlessly staring off into space, the bell at the top of the door rung and a group of rowdy students came in.

"Hey Ray, I need some help in here."

Ray shouted the orders while you made cup after cup not bothering to look at the person while already moving on to the next one.  Ever since the group of students came in earlier, more and more people started piling in.

"Hey Hannah. What can I get for you?"

I completely stopped what I was doing. Maybe it was a different Hannah? It had to be.

"Maddie, I need a medium latte please."

I nodded without looking at Ray, "coming up."

I tried to move as slow as possible when making the order but there was only so much time I could've taken. I soon found myself walking to the counter where it was the Hannah I was dreading. The Hannah Horvath. The cafe was mostly empty with a couple of customers strung around in the restaurant.

I set down the drink only to find her staring back at me. I was about to turn and walk away when she called out, "Hey wait."

I slowly turned around to look at her. Her hair was short and cut into a bob.  She wore minimal to no makeup and was wearing this horrendous dress that looked like a rainbow threw up on her. She carried a black clutch and wore  black flats.

"Are you and Adam seeing each other?"

I stared at her wide eyed about to answer her as she took a small sip of her drink, her expression still unreadable.

"You know he doesn't care right? He doesn't care about your shitty issues or about your home life. In the end he just cares about himself, and me of course because you know we're like actually dating."

"We're not dating."  I looked at the floor wanting it to swallow me up already.

Hannah snorted, "Of course he's not dating you. He doesn't date whores. 

I felt tears start to brim the corners of my eyes.

"Aw I'm sorry. Did my words hurt your feelings? They're true honey. Adam doesn't want you or your baggage that comes along. Your just another stanky girl that wants to crawl in bed with Adam, but knowing him, he'd never allow such a dirty girl to do that. I can see it, your damaged, useless. That combination is deadly."

By now streams of tears were down my face and I used my  sleeve to wipe my eyes knowing it wasn't doing any help to your already puffy and red face.

"Oh, and one more thing. Make a better latte."

Horrifyingly, I felt a splash of liquid all over me. The latte.

"I hope we understand each other now."

I stood there shocked and frozen to the spot as she walked away, the latte cup on the table with some of the liquid spilled around it.

I turned back around to see an also shocked Ray, his hand rubbing his chin. He didn't say anything as I ran past him out the cafe. The night was almost dark as you reached your apartment building.

Even while I was struggling to  unlock my door, through my blurry eyes I saw Adam's door open and him stepping out. I could feel him looking at me as my back was turned to him. I just hoped he couldn't sense the emotional turmoil I was going through.

"Hey kid, what's wrong?"

I quickly scurried into my room and slammed the door just when Adam bumped into it. Adam knocked on the door with a sense of urgency.

"Kid what happened? Can we please talk? I'm not gonna leave until I know your okay."

I slid against the door with my knees pressed against my chest, my head pressed against my knees as I tried to muffle my sobs.

I hear the ground shake and a body thud and realized that Adam was sitting against the door.

"I'll sit here as long as you need me to."

He hated hearing you like this, so hurt. He even felt some  of his own tears escape his eyes.

"Kid please. Please just talk to me. You don't even have to open the door just tell me. I'll stay here all night if I have to."

I let myself calm down a little and  shakily sat up and unlocked my door and found Adam staring up at my tear stained face.

He pulled me into a crushing hug which felt much needed. I felt the tears stream down my face as I was pushed firm into his chest, his warmth radiating off of him.

"It was her, Adam. It was Hannah."

Haha I wanted to leave it on a cliff hanger but this chapter broke my heart fr :( sorry for the sad vibez. Also this is a x reader book the only difference is I wanted her name to be Maddie but it's still reader insert except for that slight change. Hope all is well with everyone :)

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