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Adam POV

Ray laughed nervously, "It's me, Ray. And Adam."

Maddie only looked more confused, "Sorry, I don't know a Ray or an Adam. Maybe you guys have the wrong room." She focused her attention back on the tv again and I could sense Ray becoming annoyed at the fact that the nurse didn't mention Maddie's memory loss.

"Excuse us for one moment."

Ray and I both walked out of the room in hopes to find the nurse and sure enough she was a couple feet away at the nurses station chatting with another nurse.

I heard Ray sighing, "You'd think this would be a big detail to mention that your friend and coworker for a month would mention that she lost all her current memories."

I decided not to answer and stuffed my hands in my jean pockets as we walked up to the nurse.

"Is there a problem with Maddie?"

"Ma'am, you didn't mention that she suffered her memory."

"Oh. I'm sorry I should've said something to her and you both, I have to check on her anyways so I'll let her know about the mixup. She probably was very confused." I plaster a fake smile as the nurse laughs at what she thinks is a minor mistake which in reality, turns out to be a collasal one. Idiots. Ray only shook his head.

Once again, the nurse leads us back to the room and opens the door ushering us inside.

"Maddie, I'm sorry I didn't mention your visitors earlier."

"Are you sure they don't have the wrong room?"

"No dear, this is Ray who is your emergency contact-"

"And friend and coworker, you work as a barista at my cafe two blocks from your apartment."

Ray waved a hand towards you so that you could introduce yourself, "Adam, I'm your next door neighbor, well technically across neighbor, fuck I'm just rambaling."

The nurse started to walk back towards the door, thankfully leaving, "I'll leave you two with Maddie."

I heard Ray mumble a thanks while he sat on a chair next to her bed.

"So how are you feeling?"

"Fine, I just can't recall anything, a little tired too."

"Well, do you want to know what happened?"

Rey and I both looked at each other not wanting to remember what happened but if Maddie wanted to know, you'd be the ones to let her know.

"I guess so."

I awkwardly walked over to Ray and stood by her bed, my hands stuffed into my pocket.

"You overdosed on pain medication and alcohol, Adam found you and called 911."

The room was silent as everyone expected untill Maddie replyed with a whispered "o" and everything was quiet again untill Ray's phone went off causing Maddie and I to flinch.

"Shit I'm sorry, I gotta take this."

Ray only walked to the corner of the room but I could hear what was happening over the phone. "What is it Shoshanna?"

I decided not to focus on his conversation and instead at Maddie.

"Do you need anything kid? I was so fucking scared for you, I didn't want to lose you."

I felt my body tremble and was suprised when Maddie reached her hand out and enclosed it over mine.

"I'm sorry you had to see that."

I didn't say anything as we sat there in silence with her hand over mine. At this moment I felt peace, knowing that Maddie was at least alive and with me now was all I needed.

Ray came over looking flustered as he ran a hand through his hair.

"What's wrong?"

"Shoshanna is freaking out over an angry customer who didn't like the cup of coffee she made."

I snorted, "you let Shoshanna run the cafe while you were gone?"

Ray sighed, "not my smartest move."

"You think so?"

Ray shot me a glare and I stiffled a laugh by pressing the back of my hand against my mouth as I saw Maddie sport a smile in my periphrial.

"Maddie, I will come back and see you again I promise, but I'm leaving you in good hands."

I looked up at Maddie's beautiful face while she said bye to Ray and he was out the door.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Maddie was now staring back at me with a quizzical look on her face.

"Because your beautiful."

I took her hands in mine and squeezed them, "I will never, ever, leave you alone again Maddie."

I felt a tear slide down my cheek as Maddie's expression started to frown,

"Adam I am so sorry, I never want to put you through something like that again, I feel awful."

Maddie tensed as I gently pulled her against my chest but relaxed seconds after and I pressed a kiss ontop of her head,

"I'm just glad you're alive Mads."


I stayed with Maddie the whole day not wanting to leave her alone nor did she ever tell me to leave.

She told me to get into bed with her so here we are, my back pressed against the bed while Maddie laid her head on my shoulder and I was running my hand through her hair while I was listening to her soft breathing. It was almost 6 pm and I was planning on staying the night with her if she'd let me.

"Tell me how we were before."

"Well, you came to my door one night and screamed at me because I was being too loud and that you had work in the morning."

"No really? I can't believe I did that!" Maddie's laugh sounded angelic to my ears, I wished she laughed more.

"Then what?"

"And then we started going out."

I didn't want to tell her the real truth, in reality I did love Maddie and she deserved to know how I really felt and how I wish things went differently. I never wanted to continue hooking up with her, I wanted her to only becoming mine.

"And then?"

"Well, we had a fight and you stopped talking to me and a day later I found you."

"Oh, um. What was the fight about?"

"That's not important, what matters is that you are here now with me, alive and in my arms."

"Where you belong."

I'm crying ya'll :(

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