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"Like actually? You fucking broke her nose! Do you know how lucky you are that Hannah decided to not press charges on you? All you got was a slap on the wrist."

"I wouldn't count spending a night in jail and getting all my information stored in the system a slap on the wrist." I half spoke, half muttered.

Adam only picked his head up and looked at me with a frustrated look on his face, "you really fucked up kid, don't you realize that?"

I frowned while I walked into my bedroom, desperate for a shower. I stripped off my clothes as I answered him, "of course I realize that."

Adam walked into my bedroom as I wrapped myself in a towel. "I don't think you do."

I was becoming exasperated over this whole conversation. I was dirty and tired. "Fine then, I guess I don't. Hannah deserves it after what she put me through. She can go through the pain of her nose."

Adam ran his fingers through his black curly locks as I stood near my bathroom door with only a towel covering my bare body. "I think we need a break."

I scoff, "a break? We were never anything to begin with."

Adam stood up to his large, intimidating height, and pointed his finger at me, "this is exactly why we need a break. You've become unhinged, it's like walking on eggshells with you."

I was becoming angry now. Angry because just like everyone else who made assumptions about me, Adam was starting to do it too.

I watched as Adam walked towards my door, "see you around." He didn't say kid this time. He always says kid.

I grabbed a cup that was left on my dresser and threw it against the wall letting a scream rip through my body.

I then went into my bathroom and turned the faucet to scalding hot and stepped inside.

Except, I couldn't feel anything.


After I got out of the shower I checked my phone if I had anything to do and saw that today was Friday and that I had a date tonight. Great.

I carefully picked up the glass off my floor, this time with an oven mitt.

Once that was done with, I checked the time seeing it read 2pm and settled on watching tv until I had to start getting ready.


5 pm rolled by and I started straightning my hair and deciding which dress I should wear. I decided on this red bodycon dress and red heels to match along with a black purse and a black jean jacket incase wherever he took me was cold. I went minimal with my makeup only putting on some mascara,blush, and some clear lip gloss.

By the time I was done it was 6:30 and I killed the time by watching some tv.

At exactly 7:00, I heard a knock on my door, I also realized I never asked for his name and neither did he for you. I turn the tv off and carefully walk to the door. Let's just say that heels were not my strong suit.

You opened the door to see him wearing a white dress shirt that had some buttons undone to where you could see his collarbones peeking through along with black dress pants and black dress shoes. His hair that was once slicked back from when you saw him in the coffee shop, was now left alone and in curly wisps. You noticed he had a silver Rolex on his wrist and his hand held a bouquet of white tulips. Although, your favorite flowers had to be lilacs but who really cares.

"I never got your name." We both spoke at the same time and I felt my cheeks turned pink. He waved his hand, "you first."

I held my hand out to shake his, "Maddie." He shook my hand back and gleamed his white teeth, "Derek."

"Nice to meet you." I went to grasp the flowers out of his hand. "Thank you for the flowers, they're beautiful."

I walked away from the door to put the flowers in a vase except I didn't have a vase. A cup will suffice for now. "Come in, come in. Let me just put these flowers in some water and grab my coat and we can go."

Derek leaned against your small kitchen island as you reached up to your cabinet to grab a cub and proceeded to fill it up under the faucet. You stuck the flowers in and smiled, they definitely spruced up your bland apartment.

I walked over to the couch to retrieve my coat, keys, and phone and went back to Derek.

"Let's go."


Derek must've been super wealthy. He led you to his black Porsche, opening the door for you to get in fist. There wasn't much conversation, only about music. After ten minutes of driving I realized that I was in the wealthy side of New York, a place I would never be able to afford to eat or even live in. I watched through the windows the scenery that passed. Derek then pulled into a fancy restaurant.

You watched Derek step out first as he went around and opened the door for you, nodding to the valet boy as he place his hand on the small of your back ushering you inside the restaurant. His touch gave you goosebumps, then again, everything gives you goosebumps.

Derek didn't need reservations, he simply strolled in and picked a booth, a waitress was at our side handing menus. The ambiance of the restaurant was dark. The interior being whites and beiges. The occasional black making an appearance. Leather booths and a candle place in the center along with wood tables and chairs made the restaurant feel more cozy than high end. It looked like a restaurant that was designed from HGTV. However once you saw the menu you realized why this place was so expensive. The menu was in French!

This was going to be an interesting night.

I wanted to split this chapter into two so sorry if this was a little lack luster haha.

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