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Maddie POV

"And I said, 'Hey buddy, if you don't like our coffee, go somewhere else'! The nerve of some people are unreal. Also the lasgana is delicious."

It was a Thursday night and Adam and I were eating dinner with Ray.


"It's homemade." Adam pipped in.

It wasn't homemade it was restaurant made.

"You have to send me the recipe sometime."

I glared at Adam who covered his smirk.

"So, Maddie, what have you up to these days."

"Oh you know, therapy. Boring shit like that. I'm going to a rehab center in Arizona friday night."

Ray beamed at me. "Really? Wow, that's uh, that's great to hear."

Ray turned his head to look us back and forth, "who decided this?"

"Maddie did actually."

Ray turned to me again,"I'm happy for you, truly. But who is gonna make my coffee? Beacause Shoshanna is not barista material."

I heard Adam cough and turned to see him laughing but he choked on his drink. I slapped him on the back and he put his hands up.

"I'm fine, i'm good."

Ray and I eyed him suspiciously.

"Shoshanna is still working at the cafe?"

"The girl is a trainwreck wearing sparkly shoes"

"Why don't you just fire her?"

"Well, we're kind of, a thing."

"Whoa, good luck with that one."

Ray looked at him, "thanks."

I picked up that his tone was sarcastic and stiffled my laugh.


"Well I gave you my address. I really do hope everything goes well Maddie. I am going to miss you not making my coffee all the time."

Ray pulled me into a hug while Adam stood behind me.

"I'm going to miss you too. I'll come back, don't worry. I just need a break from all this."

"Listen, I get it. I wish I could come with you."

"Thanks for coming."

"Thanks for having me. Talk later?"

I nodded my head and gave him one last hug and waved goodbye.

I closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief and saw Adam standing with his arms crossed against his chest.

"That went really well."

Adam nodded his head but I could see a glint in his eye as he scanned over my outfit which was a mini blue dress with white flowers on it.

"What do you want to do now kid?"

"Not what your thinking."

I heard Adam groan and I gave him a pointed look.

"I need a break Adam! My pussy is literally destroyed."

Adam laughed and I glared at him, "that means i'm doing a good job kid."

I brushed past him wanting to get ready for bed , "whatever."

I yelped as Adam slapped my ass and started laughing.


I yawned as I woke up to the bright light coming through the small bedroom window.

"Close the fucking curtains." I heard Adam drowsily say.

I decided to just let Adam sleep as I closed the curtains whereas I had to pack up most of my things today.

Adam gave me my apartment key the day after our big blowup but I haven't been in my apartment since. We booked our plane tickets yesterday morning to Friday at 5 pm.

I threw on one of Adam's large tee along with one of his shorts. I didn't care if I looked like shit today.

I grabbed the key from the dresser and quietly closed the bedroom door to where a large, snoring Adam was behind it. Sometimes I couldn't even sleep with the loud noise of Adam snoring that I had to use all my strength to push him off the bed so that I could get some quiet. He never seemed to remember how he ended up on the ground.

I stepped into the hallway and shivered knowing that I was stepping into the room that started it all, my downfall.

I unlocked the door and stepped in, closing the door behind me.

It was just as it was before, minus all of the glass. I went to my bedroom, the glass was also gone as well as the liqour.

I went to my closet and pulled out a suitcase and dragged it to my dresser and started dropping my clothes into it. After that was done I went to my bathroom and began packing my makeup and haircare and shampoo.

When I was done packing mostly all of my things, I realized I barely had anything with me which was kind of sad in a way. My life had been reduced to only a suitcase.

I didn't want to stay here any longer than I had to and because I didn't have anything else to pack. I made no personal touches to my room so everything was just how it was, bland.

I rolled my suitcase out the door and quietly closed the door and locked it.

When I walked into Adam's apartment he was standing in front of the fridge with his shirt off.

And he looked delicious might I add. I needed a break from Adam's sex drive, it was becoming exauhausting to keep up.

"What's that?"

"My suitcase with all my clothes for the facility."

"You already packed? What about your apartment when you're gone?"

"I put a listing out for it. I'll figure out my living plans when I come back to New York, but for now, I don't need my apartment."

Adam nodded and was silent as he was eating his bannana.

"You culf mivj in wif meh."

I laughed as I couldn't hear what Adam was saying because he was in the middle of eating his food.

"What did you say."

"I said, you can come move in with me."

My face lit up, "You're serious?"

I watched as Adam walked closer to me and I licked my lips staring at his toned chest.

His finger hooked under my chin to where him and I were gazing at each other.


I leaped into his chest and he lowered his lips onto mine.

I broke away and couldn't help the large smile that wouldn't leave my face.

"Thank you so much Adam."

"It's nothing kid, don't worry about it."

It was silent for a moment.

"Well kid, you only have a day and half in New York left, what do you want to do?"

Sorry I know this was a boring chapter.

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