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Adam POV

I couldn't believe my eyes when none other then the asshole guy who had driven Maddie to kill herself was standing outside my door.

"Hey man, I was wondering if you know where the chick that lives across from you is? I've tried contacting her for days now and I haven't recieved a text back, so I was wondering if you've seen her come out of her apartment."

I clenched my teeth as my hands started trembling from the nerve that this guy had. I was going to send this guy to the hospital guaranteed. Or at least, mess up his face.

I stepped closer to him while he stepped back.

"Maddie almost died because of you and now you have the nerve to come back and ask for her after what you caused?"

I watched him put his hands up in surrender, "hey man, I didn't do anything. She practically through herself at me, It's not my fault she's unstable."

My eyes saw red as I connected my fist with his nose and he stumbled back grasping his oozing bloody nose.

"What the hell is your problem? I come and ask a question and you assault me?"

I was about to punch him again square in his jaw when I heard a voice behind me.


I turned my head and in a split second this douche bag punched me in my jaw starting the brawl.

"Adam! Stop!"

I saw a figure try and push us away which started to work until he aimed another punch toward my face but his fist collided with Maddie's cheek and she stumbled into my chest holding her face with a shocked expression.

Maddie POV

My ears rang as I felt the throb in my cheek. I brushed it off and stared at the man before me.

"Get out of here! What the fuck is your problem dude?"

"Maddie! I've been trying to get in touch with you!"

I felt an arm on my shoulder and turned to see Adam push me behind him and I let him.

I watched as Adam pointed a finger at him, "get the fuck out of here now, or I'm calling the cops." I jumped at how angry Adam sounded as he shouted at this man.

The man was contemplating on what to do and ended up walking away with a scowl on his face and a bloody nose but not before he turned around and said, "I hope you have a good lawyer."

"Fuck you're lawyer."

Adam turned around and ushered us back inside his apartment and I stayed silent trying to process what just happened.

Maybe I shouldn't ask Adam. I seemed to forget about the throbbing pain in my cheek during the whole ordeal but gasped when I saw Adam's face.

I led him toward the couch and sat down next to him, "please let me clean your face up."

He looked up at me and sighed, "I should be doing that to you."

I scoffed, "Adam, I promise you I'm fine, I'll put ice on it after I clean you up." I gave him a reassuring smile and  picked up his hand to give it a squeeze and noticed the dried blood on his knuckles.

He sighed and dropped his hand, "the kit is in the bathroom in the medicine cabinet."

Happy that I wasn't the one being cared for this time, I walked towards the bathroom and pulled out the kit right where he said it would be.

I sat down on the couch cross legged across from him while Adam was too tall to be crossed leg so he turned his body towards me but his legs remained on the ground.

Inside the kit I found different bandage sizes, alcohol wipes, gauze, and neosporin.

I couldn't gauge what Adam must be thinking of over what had just  happened but I decided to leave it alone. If he doesn't want to talk about it, I won't force it.

I took Adam's bloodied hands into mine and pressed the alcohol wipe into his cuts ensuring that they were becoming clean. He didn't speak, he just watched what I was doing. After I cleaned his knuckles and put a bandaid on the areas where they were cut, I moved onto his face.

There wasn't much I could do except wipe the gashes off his face. The man must've been wearing rings so that must mean I have a gash too. Funny though, I didn't feel a cutting sensation when he punched me.

I only put the neosporin on his cuts until Adam gently pushed my hand away and insisted that he was fine and that he wanted to clean my cut.

"My turn."

Adam wrapped his hand under my chin ensuring that I wouldn't move my head.

I winced and tried to release my head from his hand but to no extent as I felt the burning of the wipe.

"Just relax." He murmered, brushing a strand of hair away from my face as he looked at my face for anymore damage.

I was patient the whole time as Adam also put neosporin on my cut and began to rub the bruise that started forming on my cheek in which I still continued to squrim because it hurt.

"Adam, enough. Please. It hurts."

He released his hold on my face and stood from the couch and walked to his freezer pulling out an ice pack.

He handed me the icepack but I stared into his eyes seeing he only brought one for me and none for him.

He took my hand and led me towards the bedroom in which I sat on the bed with the iceback on my cheek as I stared admringly as Adam took off his blood splat t- shirt leaving his pale glistening chest on display.

I intinsticvely bit my lip and practically jumped when I felt a finger release my bottom lip from my teeth.

I looked up to see Adam staring at me with a look in his eye.


He backed away once he released my lip but he still never took his piercing brown eyes off of me.

"You know what biting your lip does to me kid."

I felt adrenaline coursing through my body.

I wanted Adam. No, I needed him right now in this moment.

I bit my lip again purposefully.

"Why don't you do something about it then, Sackler?"

Okay ngl, this was my favorite chapter to write. I just felt such a boost of inspiration and this chapter came out EXACTLY how I wanted so I'm really happy about that.

Love yall :)

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