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⚠️ small disclaimer: I do not know that much about medical terminology, I just slightly googled some things but I am not a doctor or anything so please disregard my bad medical talk⚠️

Adam POV

The small monitor's that Maddie was hooked up to inside the small, confined ambulance never stopped beeping nor did Maddie ever breathe on her own, I had to watch the medic contiously pump air into her through a tube shoved into her mouth the whole 10 minute ride to the hosptial.

I felt us come to a stop and was blinded by the doors opening as the sunlight came in. Seconds after my eyes adjusted I stepped out of the ambulance so they could unload Maddie.

I could pick up some of what the medics were saying.

"Has her breathing came back?"

"No, we need to transfer her to the ICU quickly."

I quickly followed behind them as they carted into her to hospital.

"We have an overdose patient who swallowed pills along with a dangerous amount of alcohol. She is currently not breathing on her own since I started bagging her. Barely has a pulse, BP 180/110."

I watched in a flurry as multiple doctors and nurses swarmed the room that Maddie was put in and watched as they transfered her to the bed.

"Sir, you need to go and wait out in the waiting room, we need to work on her, she is in critical condition."

"Is she going to be alright?" I asked frantically.

"We are going to do everything we can sir."

I had to kiss her one last time.

I hear yells and protests as I shoved past all the white coats in the room as I made my way towards her, when I felt an arm pull me back.

"Sir! You have to leave!"

I whipped around, "i'm just saying a goodbye." I turned back around and felt another round of tears swell in my eyes, "I don't know if this will be the last time I see her."

Everyone seemed taken aback after my statement and I made the last steps to her bed, the tube was still in her mouth with a nurse on the opposite side squeezing it to bring her air. I picked one of her hands. She was extremely cold and her hands were pale as the moon. I brought it up to my cheek and nuzzled it for a few seconds before bringing my lips to the palm of her hand and pressing a kiss to it. I dropped her hand gently to her side and placed a kiss on her forehead and finally stepped away, the tears now streaming down my face.

What if this is going to be the last time I see her? She doesn't deserve to die in a depressing hospital. I should've checked up on her. Why didn't I check up on her? This is all my fault.

One of the nurses ushered me into the waiting room and I was thankful to see that it was empty. I let myself slump down into one of the hard, uncomfortable chairs the waiting room had to offer and brought my hands to cover myself not quieting the sobs that wracked my body.


"Adam! I came as fast as I heard."

I picked my head up to see Ray coming towards me with open arms.

"Ray? What are you doing here? How did you know?"

"I'm listed at Maddie's emergency contact. How's she doing?"

I ran my hands through my hair, "I don't know, these people won't tell me anything. They must still be working on her I'm not sure."

"Well, all we can do now is wait. Don't stress out man, I'm sure everything is going to be fine."


"Maddie Levy."

I perked my head up hearing Maddie's name and nudged Ray who fell asleep next to me.

Both of us ran up to the nurse eager to hear what she had to say.

"She's stable for now, but her blood pressure is very low. She has been vomiting ever since she woke up, the Narloxone must've finally kicked into her system."

"Can we go and see her?"

"There is still something you should know about her condition. Because she was not breathing on her own, her brain was running without oxygen for over 2 mintues."

Ray stayed silent sinking in what was going on while you spoke up instead.

"Can we see her?"

The nurse sighed, "yes I will take you to her. Don't get her too rild up, she's been through alot over these past couple of hours. Be patient and understanding with her."

Ray and I stayed silent as we followed the nurse to where she was. I was definitely nervous to see how Maddie would react to us or what state she was in.

I'm sure she still looked beautiful, of course Maddie will always be beautiful. I really care about her and to know that she hurt herself to this extent kills me inside.

I was shaking with nervousness as we stood behind the white glossy door in the hospital. I hate hospitals. They smell like shit and the food tastes like it too, let alone, the scratchy gowns they give you that feels like sandpaper on your skin. This whole place gave me the heebie jeebies.

The nurse opened the door and I let Ray go in first and when I walked in I saw her sitting in the bed criss crossed watching a news report on tv, an IV in her arm as well as a nasal cannula and a vomit bag near her bed, not filled thankfully. Her blonde hair was tied back and it framed her face nicely even though she was sitting in a depressing hospital.

Her head picked up at the sound of the door opening as we stepped and then I saw a confused look spread over her face, her forehead looked so cute when her face was squished.

"Hey Maddie how are you doing."

I was purposely letting Ray test the waters here before I decided to jump in.

I saw her brown eyes look over Ray and I, her confused expression still not leaving her face.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

Cliffhanger? Who is she? I also decided that this is no longer a reader insert haha im sorry. Here's a pic of what Maddie looks like. I love you all so much and I hope everyone is doing well. Please don't forget to check up on yourself each and everyday <3 stay hydrated!

 Please don't forget to check up on yourself each and everyday <3 stay hydrated!

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