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Adam POV

Maybe I was being too harsh on Maddie but maybe that's just what she needed.

I cursed to myself as Maddie met my gaze for a second as the douchebag was following right behind her into her apartment. I swing my door shut and groan once I hear Jessa telling me to come back to bed. Jessa was fine and all but she wasn't Maddie, Maddie was different, she was more vulnerable even though she put up the front that she was tough. She was stubborn, but it was something I liked about her.


I was in the middle of pounding Jessa again when I heard yelling and I stopped the snapping of my hips.

"Christ I'll just finish myself off Adam." Frankly I didn't care what she did as I rushed to put on a pair of sweatpants as the sound of Jessa's moans filled my bedroom.

I continued to hear yelling as I carefully opened my apartment door to see Maddie and the guy arguing. Her face was brimming with tears, her bathrobe was slightly opened to where I could see a hint of blue peak out and the swell of her breast.

I jumped out of my daydream as I looked up to see her door slammed shut and seconds later a glass shattering.


I ran a hand through my hair deciding what to do as I stalked back to the bedroom.

"What is your deal tonight? Why are you acting so weird?"

"I'm not acting weird Jessa." I practically growled at her. "It's called being worried, something you would know nothing about."

I head her mutter the word, "arsehole." as she stood up from the bed and began collecting her clothes.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm leaving, what does it look like?"

I kept thinking about Maddie as Jessa was now fully dressed and looking at me with disgust on her face. I don't know what I was thinking that I decided to fuck her. 

"Thinking about another girl while you were fucking me? You are a poor excuse for a man."

I stare at her incredously. "Oh yeah you should talk Jessa. You were the one who jumped in bed with me! Who's the stupid one now?"

She let out scoff, "pig."

"Whore!" I called out as I heard her slam the door shut. I flinched when I heard another bottle smash.

Maybe I should check up on her? No, she's probably having a tantrum, she'll sleep it off. Besides, I have an audtion early tomorow morning. 

I'll check up on her then.


Strangely I didn't see Maddie this morning when I left my apartment at 8 this morning for my audition. I had a gut feeling that something wasn't right, so I decided to send a text message since I don't get out of my audition untill 12.

10: 04 am - You up for lunch later? My treat.


After my audtion at the office, I unlocked my phone praying that I recieved a message from Maddie. I was starting to become worried and maybe I should've checked on her last night. I started to break out into a sweat when I didn't get a notification back, my message stayed on delivered.

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