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Tonight was the first night you enjoyed the cold air of New York City. It seemed like things were starting to finally go your way. You pulled out the card as you were walking down the street towards your complex and ran your hands over the card letting a smile ghost over your face.

You walked up the steps the card still in your hands and unlocked your door stepping inside and flipping the light switch on. You sighed as you went towards your bedroom and threw your hoodie in the hamper along with your other clothes.

"Honey I'm home."

Adam. He never actually said he'd come over. All he asked if I was free tonight. I guess it counts.

"In here!" You didn't bother to put on clothes. Adam has seen everything already anyways.

You heard his loud footsteps echo into the room until he reached your bedroom. You turned around to see him staring at you with an unrecognizable expression, it made your legs turn into jelly the way Adam was staring down at you. You watched as his roaming eyes went over your lavender matching bra and pantie set. Adam walked towards you until you were almost face to face with his chest.

You gulped and looked at his face nervously as you felt his large hand engulf your neck with gentle pressure.

"I know that I was a little more gentler with you last time, but tonight won't be the case. You need to tell me if you want this to happen tonight or not." You looked at his eyes the whole time he was speaking, shivering at how deep his voice dropped and the puddle that seemed to form under your cunt.

I nodded my head unable to speak.

Adam let out what I think was a growl. "On your knees."

I shakily got on my knees as I heard him fumbling with his belt followed by his zipper.

"Your going to take my whole fucking cock in your mouth and I don't care if you choke on it."

Jesus. Where was this side of Adam coming from? Who cares. You liked it. It sparked something in you that you couldn't quite grasp.

His all too familiar large member was soon In front of my face and I took it into my mouth. I reached my hand up towards it when Adam slapped it away. "No hands." I groaned and continued to push his length into my mouth, licking as I go. Finally, I felt the tip hit the back of my throat and I started moving my head back and forth while Adam was grabbing my hair and aiding the process. Adam's legs were starting to shake and I knew that he was close.

"Fuck kid. I'm gonna cum right into your mouth."

Adam pulled out right after he finished and you swallowed it. Adam brushed the hair out of his face along with the sweat, "bend over the bed and spread your legs." You started to stand up to go towards your bed when Adam put a hand in front of you to stop you from going any further.


I felt my checks flush red as I sank back to the ground and crawled to my bed knowing he was watching. I situated myself over the bed and spread my legs like he asked knowing that my cunt was like a super soaker in my panties. Fuck.

I shivered when I heard Adam's footsteps and a hand that brushed over my spine. His hand went to undue my bra and I stood up so that he could remove it but went back in my position after. His hands took his time to roam over my body going over the backs of legs and then the back of my neck before he reached the waistband of my panties yanking them down, almost ripping them. I felt the cold air greet me and I tried my hardest to clench my thighs together.

"This should be a fucking painting. Your dripping kid."

Adam's hand swiped over my cunt and I groaned. "Do you know how fucking wet you are kid?" The heat rushed back to my face.

I squirmed once I felt Adam's warm tongue come in contact with my most sensitive part, but his hand on the small of my back kept me in place. "You taste so good. Have a taste." I cried out as I felt a finger inside me and then pull out. He lifted me up by the back of my neck and pushed his finger inside of my mouth so that I could taste my arousal. Salty.

Adam removed his finger from my mouth with a pop and roamed my chest. His hand coming in contact with my nipple, twisting it until I begged for him to stop and then he'd do the same thing with the other. At one point I felt him smack my chest and I felt the heat rush over to that one spot and the he'd do the same thing to my other boob.

He let me fall back on to the bed and heard the rustling of plastic in the background. I felt his tip line up with my entrance and with no warning he slammed inside of me. I cried out but he gave me no time to adjust as he pulled out and then slammed into me again. This continued on until I felt my legs shake, "Adam I have to cum."

"So do it. Cum on my cock." I saw stars as I came but Adam kept my orgasm going as his finger started circling my clit. "Fuck!"

The sensitivity of my clit actually made my second orgasm almost painful. Adam removed his finger and soon came also. I laid there stiff as I winced when Adam pulled out.

I jumped when I felt Adam smack my ass. Why do I want him to do it again?

Slowly as I regained feeling of my limbs, I got up off of the bed and stretched my back after leaning over the bed for so long. My clit was practically buzzing and I don't think I could handle putting on underwear due to the amount of sensitivity. I heard Adam shuffle around the room and get into my bed as I reached into my dresser and pulled out a large sweatshirt that I use on lazy days which is practically every day.

I turned back to see Adam with the card in his hand with the guys number on it.

"What's this?"

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