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I gave up trying to understand the menu.

"Don't speak French?"

You looked up to see Derek staring at you.

"You look really beautiful tonight."

You felt yourself blushing, "thank you."

"And to answer your question, I do speak French."

Just as you were about to answer, the waitress came back.

"Are you ready to order?"

"Bouillabaisse for me, and a Chicken Confit for the lady. Also let me have your finest bottle of wine."

You thanked the waitress as she took the menus and you and Derek were left alone again.

"So what do you do?"

"Well my degree is in business so I own a couple of business here in New York including this restaurant and a couple of clubs and a tech company I run with my friend from college. What about you?"

You couldn't help but think that your life was lame compared to Derek who seemed to have his life and future under control.

"Um well I'm planning on going to school at some point again. I currently work in telemarketing along with being a barsita."

"You make a mean cup of tea."

"Haha thank you."

The waitress came back with our dishes that smelt amazing.

The first bite was something I wish to never forget. No wonder why this part of New York is so expensive.

"That amazing huh?"

"You certainly have great taste."

"Wait till you try it with the wine."


The rest of the evening Derek and I talked of our interests and things we disliked. He disliked romantic comedies and I agreed while I enjoyed horror movies while he didn't.

I've had 3 glasses of the delicious red wine when Derek and I left the restaurant. My eyes kept fluttering shut as I struggled to stay awake. I guess fancy food gets you tired, or maybe I just ate too much.

Soon enough, Derek parked his car next to my apartment complex and was at my side to help me out.

"You can come in if you'd like."

"That would be nice."

As you were unlocking your apartment door, you saw Adam come out. You quickly rushed inside of your apartment before he could see you though. Once you shut the door leaving you with Derek, you instantly smashed your lips against his. You felt his hands cup your cheeks.

I pulled back suddenly embarrassed over what came over me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

Derek pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, "don't apologize, I enjoyed it."

You smiled at him as you took his hand and led him towards your bedroom.

You threw your coat onto your dresser and slipped your heels off  followed by slipping your dress off and throwing it in the hamper leaving you in a matching baby blue lace set.

"You are so beautiful, you know that?"

You took the liberty and started to unbutton Derek's shirt. His chest was toned and tanned. You put your hand on his zipper and looked into his eyes for permission, Derek responded with a nod. Derek stepped out of his pants as he pushed you onto your bed and started kissing your neck and collarbone and onto the top of your breasts. You couldn't help but squirm a little when Derek slipped his hand under your bra and cupped you. Something just didn't feel right. You panicked as you felt Derek's hand skim over your stomach and over the front of your panties. You had to stop this, you didn't want this. You couldn't say what you wanted as Derek's lips reached yours. His tongue sloppily made his way into yours and he couldn't take the hint as your tongue wrestled with his. You decided the time was now before things went further.

"Derek stop."

He pulled back to look at you with wide eyes.

"Is something wrong? Did I do something?"

You gently pushed him back as you sat up, "you didn't do anything, it's me."

Derek huffed as he got up from your bed as you watched him pull his pants on and swing his dress shirt over his shoulders.

"You know you really shouldn't leave people on."

"I know, I thought I could but I'm just going thro-."

"Shut the fuck up and listen. I thought you were a cute girl in the coffee shop the other day which is why I asked you out. I thought we were having a nice time but I guess not. I guess your not that easy."

Not that easy. Not. That. Easy.

"Get out."



"Whatever, your loss."

You threw on your robe so that you could slam the door in his face when he turned around once he was in the hallway, "You are so fucking boring you know that? When you were talking about your life, I wanted to just get up and leave. You have no goals or aspirations. I'm gonna be honest with you cause no one else will, any guy who says he's interested in you beyond fucking you, is full of shit. I'm surprised you shut your legs when I wanted to get some." I felt tears brim my eyes as I watched him walk away.

Apparently my nightmare kept on going as I saw a glimpse of Adam's hair  through his apartment door.

Was he watching this whole time?

Whatever, I'm fucking done with everything.

You slam your door not caring if your neighbors heard and break down into a sob. You grab some liquor you keep in your cabinet for special occasions and down the whole thing, not caring about your gag reflexes. You slam the glass to the floor, glass shards going everywhere including your legs but you couldn't feel anything. You grab another liquor bottle and stumble to your bathroom going to your medicine cabinet. By now, tears and snot were covering your face along with the alcohol pumping through your blood. You snatched up your Tylenol bottle and popped off the cap. The minimum you were supposed to take were two, however, you scooped a whole handful of pills into your hands and popped them into your mouth downing them with the vodka in your hands. You threw the bottle against your living room wall.

Your head was pounding, your veins felt like they were going to pop as you heard the blood rushing through your ears. The world started to spin around you as you collapsed onto your bed.

You were finally at peace as the world behind your eyes turned black.

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