Chapter Twenty-Two. "What I've done."

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                   "We are born to die. We live to be remembered." – Mandalorian proverb.

A small group was gathered around the large holografic planning table. It was located in the main strategy room of the defence wing in the new Jedi temple on coruscant. Three of the group were the leading general's of the new Republic's military. Each had been commanders in the Rebel Alliance durring the long years fighting the Galatic Empire. 

The youngest of the three, was the once smuggler, scam artist and galaxy famous pilot, Han Solo. Hower, the past streat rat now general stood with a somber look on his hansome features.  

The other two stood opposited of the tabel from the three generals. One of them, a female figure stood with one eye on the holo map and the other on Gereral Solo. For indeed she was his wife. The former princes, now high ranking Jedi kight, also wore the same serious expression as her husband. 

The last person in the room stood to the female Jedi's right. He was dressed in all black and a same colored gloved right hand rested upon the table infront of him. His young face expressed worry yet it was contained and controlled. 

Grand Master Luke Skywalker let his pale electric blue eyes flick over the map being projected. He listened to the talk around him for several minutes before interjecting. 

The meeting was of great importance. The group were discussing the next steps that should be taken towards reclaiming the galaxy from the grasp of the Empire. Ever since the forming of the new Republic, there had been slow but steady progress in that direction. 

The lack of speed was easly explained. Having to transform a rebellion, made up of hundreds of different factions and groups. Then to turn that mixed fighting force into a unified military, made up of trainded soldiers not just freedom fighters. Was to say the least,  quite the undertaking. 

The new leadership of the young Republic had done it however. They were determained to make their hard fought for and won freedom last and create something better than what they had torn down. Each had done their part and slowly the new era was born. 

Since then, many planets and systems once held firmly by the Galactic Empire had been liberated and placed under the protection of the new republic. The new growing power did it's best to help as many planets as they could, without however over extending their resources or man power. 

Helping the young Republic as it had throughout history, was the newly refounded and growing Jedi order. With Luke Skywalker at its head and his sister by his sister as his most trusted second in command, the order started to expanded quickly. 

As both had hoped, a few old knights from the clone wars republic that had somehow escaped the vigilance of the empire and the wrath of Darth Vader made their way to the new order. As well as many indaviduals that had been padawans when order 66 had been given and had been like wise hiding among the stars thoughout the time of darkness. 

After only a few short years, Luke had a strong start to what he hoped to make into an oder that would be even stronger than those of days gone by. Though he himself was young, Luke was a wise master. He spent much time reading about Jedi of the past, medatating and disscussing forwards steps with his sister and brother in law. He knew that the road of rebuilding on which they had embarked upon was long and he could not do it alone. 

Despite the fact they had made steady progress, one event had seriously effected the calm Jedi Master more than he liked to admit. although He had fully discussed his encounter and the shared vision he had been show to a trusted few, the troubling feelings and thoughts that all "this" the work they were doing would be for nothing. 

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