Chapter Seven. A Growing Obsession

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Hey guys, quick disclaimer. In this chapter I will be delving into a lot more Mandalorian stuff, the main character will be learning more about the history and culture of the warriors. Ok here's the rub, I WILL NOT be going though ever detail and writing everything he is reading and learning! That is frankly, WAY to much writing and I just don't feel like putting all that down. For my fellow Star Wars nerds reading this, you all know how much history the Mandalorians have, so writing it would be a real chore!! I will mention some of their back ground at a fly over view, mentioning such facts that are significant or stand out to the mane character.  As well as one block section that I think needs putting in, it has been very abbreviated to not be to lengthy. This is the start of the next faze of the story, so sit down and enjoy! Ok lets get to it!!  agost2.

 P.S. I am very sorry it has taken me so long to get this out, a lot is going on in my life and things are getting complicated between work, higher education and the home front. As well as often by the time is sit down to write or edit I can only get a little done because I am so tired I start to fall asleep at the key board! lol Hope you enjoy and don't forget to follow the story plz!  

Ean walked quietly down an aisle of the imperial library, being careful not to disturb anyone or let his gear catch or bang on any of the holo pad racks. He was making his normal weekly reading resupply trip. He had dropped off last weeks material and was now getting the next parts of what he was currently researching.  He pulled a pad off the shelf about the planet he was now on and quickly browsed though it. After a minute of scanning, but not learning anything he didn't already know, he replaced it. He had learned all he needed so far about this world, the first thing he had wanted to know was it's name.,It had been a bit awkward asking, for the majority of people already knew the names of most of the planets in the vast galaxy. Strange as it was, he soon had found out that the name of this world was, Torrin. Other than a few other details he didn't have much interest in any other boring facts. With in five minutes, he had a small arm load of data pads to continue his reading. He was just turning to start heading for the front counter, when a data pad caught his eye. The insignia on the back was the same Bantha skull he had seen way back on the wall of the first shop he had robbed, it seemed so long ago now, but the memory of the mark was plain in his mind. For the second time the mark seemed to call to him, it felt like the data pad pulled at him, to his hart as well as to his hand! Balancing the large stack of information in one arm and taking a quick look around before using the force to pull the pad into his free hand. He held the digital information and began to read the opening chapter, using the force to flip the holo pages. Before he knew what happened it had been almost thirty minutes and he had read four chapters. Completely enthralled with this new find, he hurriedly set down the other books he was going to borrow, now completely forgotten in the rush of this new obsession he was following. After some minutes of searching, he found a section on Mandalorians. He swiftly started pulling the data pads off of their racks and making a neat stack of them. As he pulled and stacked, he did some browsing as the same time. These books on the Mandalorians consumed him entirely!!  The more he read the more he hungered, hence the more he read and so on. 

A toneless voice came suddenly over the buildings Announcement system. "Hello all life forms, this  Imperial library will be closing in 5 minutes, please bring all data pads to be checked out up the the front counter now, thank you."   Ean listened dumbly in stunned silence. Closing, now?! What time was it? He glanced at a holo time image on the wall and started in surprise. Why it was night! Last time he had seen the clock, it had been still late morning. A sharp pain in his stomach convinced him that the day had truly pasted without him noticing it. Shaking his head in wonder, he rushed to grab as many of the tablets as he could. Soon he was walking out of building with a huge arm load of information. As he staggered under the load of knowledge, he thought about getting food. "Should I go out or just eat at my room?" "I'm going  to eat at my room, I need to be reading and going out will use to much time!" After stowing all the data pads on his speeder, he mounted up and rushed away as if being  pursued by death troopers. As he rode, he could hardly keep his mind on his riding so captivated was his mind with what he had read so far, and judging by the amount of data pads he had taken, he hadn't even scratch the surface! Several times he nearly collided with fellow traffic in his distracted hast to return to his lodgings! 

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