Chapter Twenty. Frenemies

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"Often our perception of people are based on others bias's and not our own experiences. The mark of true growth however is learning to let go of a wrong belief, no matter how old, in order to learn something new."  ( An unnamed warrior) 

Author's note. Hey guys, me again! So I have kind of a "LIFE" up date for yall! Yikes! This past summer I took off from work after, I left my last job due to complications. I was mentally and physically very wore out, so I decided to take some time for my self while figuring out and looking into what I wanted to do for a "LIFE" career. I am very happy to report, I have come to a decision, am pursuing it and already have a job! Now this is where it gets.......gritty! I am working technically an eight hour day with a forty minute commute. However, It is very rare I get out when I'm supposed to. Normally, I'm working one or two hours over time. I'm not complaining, over time pay is mad good, buuuut, it does cut down on any time left in the day. I did the math and the time I'm not sleeping, driving or working  is about three to four hours MAX per day. And that is just work, once school for this job kicks in, I'll have even less! ug, FML! So my whole point for telling you all these boring details is this. Sorry for this chapter taking so long to be finished and If chapters after this one seem a reeeeeaaaaallllllyyyyyy long time in coming.....its because of life stuff! I haven't quit, it's just real life has to take priority. I will admit, I have really, really enjoyed my time off! Not running around keep a nuts schedule and having the time for projects and pleasure! Unfortunately that is not reality and the time for it to end came. This is a bit of a bitter sweet moment. Am happy that I have my career nailed down and will be making very good money but on the flip side, will have jack shit for time and will be going none stopped! My goal is to write/edit for thirty mins to an hour per night and double that on weekends! I hope you guys understand and are still enjoying the story. Its a lot of work! Either way, just thought you deserved to know why chapters will be coming slower in future! Now back to the story! Regards, agost2.  

 P.S. Did any of you get my Jurassic Park joke from the past chapter? Please comment if you did! 

The two sabers clashed and spun together. The black blade struck time after time trying to work through the others guard. The blue blade deftly deflected and parried each strike its wielder  holding his ground. The female Mandalorian strove to break the other warriors guard but found she was out matched. 

Up until this time, Ean had not made any counter attacks or returned any blows. Only deflected and parried. He was assessing the others style and seeing if she had adopted the new strike patterns he had shown her. Bo-Katan unleashed another fury of slashes and stabs only to have Ean once again flick them aside with ease. 

"Your movements are to big. Stop trying to muscle your way though it. I'm bigger than you, don't play a strength game. Use the techniques I showed you. There, good!" Suddenly with a quick return of movement and a combination so fast she hardly saw what happened, the black blade flew out of her hand, flipped end over end then landed neatly in the open palm of her faintly smiling instructor. 

Sighing, Bo-Katan half glared, half smiled at Ean.  In a tired voice she asked. "What did I do wrong." Ean smiled cheerfully grinning back at her then explained. "Okay listen, stop trying to fight me with strength, like I said, I'm bigger than you. A lot of your opponents will have size on their side, so you can't fight them on their terms. It's the same principal as the hand to hand combat. Someone may be bigger but you have no issue taking them down and killing them because you know how to use  their size against them. Your body is very accustomed to acrobatics, combine that with what I'm teaching you now and you'll be golden!" 

The girl nodded then voiced something else. "But your also very acrobatic, I've seen how you move, you can keep up with me." Ean thought for a moment. "Okay, that is true but what I am trying to teach you right now is just saber technique, stance and patterns. We can incorporate the use secondary  weapons, hand to hand integrated combat and more fancy attacks once your more up to speed with this." 

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