Book Two Chapter Four. The Negotiator.

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Authors note. Hello readers, Just wanted to say I am very sorry it has taken me this darn long to release this chapter. Part of it was the length of it, the other parts were life being life and all that comes with it. Also, I went on vacation for almost two weeks end of last month. All of these things added up to a very late release. However, here is the next installment I hope you all enjoy it and I am starting on the next chapter at once! Thanks for reading! agost2

"So is this your diplomatic solution?" "No, I call it aggressive negotiations!"

Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala. The first battle for Geonosis. The beginning of The Clone Wars.

"I'm finished negotiating this!"

In one lighting-like movement, the Mandalorian Jedi had both his modified fully automatic Westernstar 35 blaster pistols in hand and were training them at the target he  had been sent to discuss terms of a treaty with.

The "Target" as the force user saw him, was nothing more than a low-life weapons dealer named Zirgy.

Luke Skywalker had asked the new Mandalorian Jedi to broach terms of possibly having the scoundrel supply the Republic with weapons and not just the Empire and every other force working against the newly growing power.

The warrior had landed on the planet under the protection of being a Jedi knight wishing to, as he put it, "hash out terms" for a business arrangement.

The party of guards sent out to meet the lone Jedi had been quite taken aback when instead of some green young nervous-looking robed padawan, a tall lean, broad-shouldered Mandalorian walked briskly down the ramp of the sleek and armored craft.

While the party of ten guards had started back looking suddenly quite confused and almost scared, he had bearly glanced at them as he flicked his helmet quickly around and then still without a word sprang into the air.  

Not wanting to waste time or energy with the sent escort, the young warrior flew with ever-increasing velocity toward where the still-stunned guards had been instructed to bring the Jedi in the first place!

The negotiations had lasted as long as it took the Ean to enter his targets headquarters, deliver what most would call a demand as to what was required and when he had been shortly refused, ordered out, and laughed at for good measure, he decided that was that and there had been enough talking for one trip.

The laughing expression on the scoundrel's face quickly faded as in only a second he was looking down at the four barrels of the pistols that the so-called "Jedi" held trained on him.

With sudden rage, he knew that this had been a trap! A ruse, nothing more than a dirty trick to get this, this assassin near him!

Anger taking the place of mirth on his features, he suddenly roared to his guards!

"Kill his imposter! Kill him now, I want that helmet as a footrest!

Almost in a single instant, a mish-mash of criminals plus the on-duty armed guards had the warrior surrounded and at blaster point.

Without lowering his weapons or in any way breaking his threatening stance, the outer tips of the Mandalorian's jet pack suddenly glowed bright blue, and the next moment death was flying around the room with high-pitched whistling shirking sounds!

After the twenty or so bodies had finished hitting the floor, it was just the Jedi and his target.

The helmet tilted somewhat as if saying

"Did you really think that would work?"

Only giving Zirgy a moment to prosses what had happened, and even then, it was more to relish the look of disbelief and consternation on his face than anything else.

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