Chapter Six. Stain

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Ean awoke suddenly mid scream! He thrashed violently with the bed clothes for a few seconds before making a sweaty lunge for the blaster pistol on his night stand! Sitting bolt upright in bed, he aimed the weapon left and right for a few seconds, almost pulling the trigger several times before his clouded mind cleared enough to realize that he wasn't still in his night mare! Instead, he was still lying in his bed, within his elaborate hotel room with the late morning sun streaming in though the open shades. Slowly he lowered the pistol and sank back on his mattress. He tapped the barrel of the his hand gun against his forehead and sighed. "OK, just a dream, that's all, JUST.A.DREAM!" He closed his eyes and took a few minutes calm down and quiet his panicked mind. Forty five minutes later he woke up again suddenly, but not as alarmed. Looking at the holo clock, he jumped fully awake! "OOPS!" "Guess I dozed off on accident!" Whipping the blankets off, he rolled out and put both bare feet on the soft carpeted floor. With a groan, more from having to get up than from being tired, he rose to his full height then stretched. He picked up his phone and at the same time pushed the power button on his blue tooth speaker. Soon his room was filled the sounds of Boston's More Than A Feeling.

 He hummed and jived along with the music as he changed into some clothes for running, strapped a compact blaster to his side and covered it with a light jacket. Before he left, he plugged his speaker into a self modified charging socket. The day after he had moved into his new lodgings, he had used the tools he had brought from his old world to open the energy system in the room and create an adapter to fit is phone and speaker chargers. 

Out on the street, Ean started into a steady jog. As he bounced along he tried to keep his mind from remembering the terrifying images that had awoken him. Yet his brain seemed not to want to obey him. All he could see in his minds eye was what had had him screaming an hour before! The more he saw the faster he ran! Within a minute he was at a dead run and scared of nothing anyone else could see!! Racing as fast as he could, he seemed to be trying to out run something or some one. Unfortunately for him though, the phantom that he was trying to escape was firmly latch onto his mind!  Finally after two miles of dead strait sprinting, he slowed to a unsteady wobbly walk and half collapsed against a wall. Gasping, he clutched his head and let out a muffled cream! "AAARRR!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!"  "JUST STOP!!" "PLEASE!!" He slapped then shook it vigorously trying to clear the images from his mental view. Pulling a pare of ear buds and his smart phone out, he selected a play list and tried to continue with his run. He turned the music up till he couldn't hear is own thoughts any more, drowning out the sounds and memories of his night mares!! Finally he gave up, made a wide circle and headed back to his hotel room. 

Ean stood in the shower, head down, hand out stretched resting against the wall supporting himself. He thought back to when the night mares started. Before he had ever left Earth, he had always slept like a stone. Falling asleep in a minute and be out for hours, nothing could wake him, he could sleep though anything! He had always felt well rested and refreshed upon awaking.  If he dreamed, it was always exciting of exciting. Now however, sleeping was more of a mental horror. It has started almost a week ago. He had drifted off in his usual style, shirtless with only pajama pants on, lying flat out on his huge luxurious bed tucked in under the silky and wonderful smelling blankets. Then they started, the night mares! He would see people  and aliens that he had killed, despicable acts of violence he had committed, blatant murders and many other heinous crimes enacted! The real mystery was that those horrific cruelties didn't bother him in the slightest during the day. In fact, he had built up such a immunity to what he did and had killed his conscience to the extent that when he would commit a cold blooded murder,kill someone for the shear excitement if it or torture a creature out right for the fun of it, he didn't feel the slightest twinge of guilt or wrong doing. He was so far gone in is own cruelty that he enjoyed what he did, he couldn't wait to kill, slaughter, torture or destroy. This monster that he was becoming had always be there, buried deep within the darkest parts of his hart and mind! Now however he was free to unleash this new, yet strangely familiar side.  

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