Chapter Three. The First Notches

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The First person Ean saw when entering the city was a white armored soldier, it seemed that he was patrolling a section of road and keeping an eye out for something. There was no doubt that he was a soldier, he was carrying a weapon first of all and second, he wore full armor that had a insignia on it. 

It had taken about two hours to reach the metropolis from where Ean had first arrived. After the first hour of trudging along, Ean had stopped, had a quick drink of water, rested his legs for ten minutes then continued. It was times like these that he was very thankful for being so tall and long legged. As he drew near to the city outskirts, Ean stop for a moment to scope out the lay of the land, access potential threats, see what type of life forms there were around, and confirm if  this was even a human populated world. Ean mentally kicked himself for not bringing a pair a binoculars or a mono scope. 

"Damn it, that would have been very helpful right now, not to mention, could save me a lot of trouble in the future!"  

Suddenly he shrugged

 "Screw it let's find out what the buzz is all about!" 

Checking his guns once more, Ean continued with a confident stride which tuned more cautious as he entered the city's borders. At first, the city wasn't walled, at least not fully. There were inner sections that had very extensive fortification, with guard and watch towers to boot. At the beginning it was mostly smallish back allies, unimpressive houses and other building of equal size. No people insight yet, a good thing. Then Ean saw him,  a white clad figure stiffly walking and looking from left to right. As he marched closer, Ean could see that he was a soldier of some kind or law officer. Not taking any chances however, he quickly ducking out of sight behind some kind of a storage container, he viewed the  trooper as he strode by. In all white armor plating which covered him from head to toe, with only small gapes between the plates, seaming like a good armor design, the soldier appeared to have good mobility. Under the shell of white, the trooper wore a totally black body glove or jump suit. A full coverage helmet with black eye's and an almost outline of a mouth, matching white belt, seeming to be part of the armor and some sort of a short rife or sub gun with a fold under stock completed the kit of the strange warrior. The gun confused Ean though, it didn't have any visible magazine, belt or other ammo feeding system.

 "Hu...wonder what it fires and how it how it reloads, also don't see any mags or ammo carriers on that guy". "I'm sure I'll find out though". Once the patrolling figure had moved on, Ean continued on his way heading towards the more populated sections of the municipality.

Ean encounter fifteen more white clad soldiers before he found his way to the more busy parts of the city. Each time Ean spotted a armored figure approaching, he made him self scarce of sight. On earth, Ean was a good friend to the police in his town and cops in general, but here, he had no idea what rules there were and wanted to learn as much as he could before making contact. Also there was this feeling, or the force as he knew to call it now, it seemed to be warning him not to approach these these strange trooper's yet.  Ean had quickly leaned to listen and trust this silent yet powerful voice. Within another forty five minutes Ean was reaching the busiest  part of the great city, as he finally broke out of the all the small side allies and back streets, he was hit with the full force of an alien world!! 

Ean, more accustomed to a quite town and not the bustle and rush of city living was totally awestruck by the shear size of it all! Not only was this city bigger than any on earth, but it was also a mixed world! Countless different species of aliens and humans, cultures and life styles from a hundred planets all in one place! The noise's, the sound's, the smells and most of all the sight's! It was all so much to try to take in at once!! Everything was so alien that it overwhelmed him to the point that he just stood there and gawked at it all, while his stunned mind tried to catch up with all the new and strange information that  his seances were pulling in much faster than it could process! Ean remained there for about ten minutes before he sensed something else. It was elusive at first, but the harder he looked for it the more plain it become, then he couldn't miss it if he tried, it was everywhere. A feeling of complete subjection, a  sensation of hopeless defeat! Then Ean suddenly started to notice all the  white armored soldiers, just like the one's he had seen earlier, they were everywhere!!! He didn't understand how he'd missed it!! In every direction he looked, one out of ten was a white clad trooper. Standing, walking, riding by on some kind of hovering,  non wheedled bike looking thing. They also didn't seem to be very kind or friendly to the inhabitants, pushing them out of the way, yelling at them, seeming to threaten them and quite often pointing there weapons at any citizen that irked them. The undeniable fact was that these soldiers were not here by the will of the  residence of the planet, the were a unfriendly occupying dictatorship! Ean now understood why the force had warned him to stay away from the trooper's, he also had noticed that at random the armored enforcers would accost someone and demand identification at once! A few time's  Ean saw that the identification given seamed unsatisfactory and the individual was pushed harshly to the ground before some set of restraints were snapped on and the poor unfortunate was dragged away. Ean had no identification or even a back story of where he came from, none that was believable at least. "Ok, avoid ass holes in white armor" Ean said to himself. Seeing he couldn't stand there all day and had already stood there far to long and was drawing attention to himself, he could already see a armored figure striding towards him, Ean quickly wheeled and flung himself into the bustle of the city way. As Ean hurried along, he continued to see things totally foreign to him. Floating car like vehicles hummed along the ground and high above him, when he looked up he could see layer after layer of what look like.......traffic! Endless lines of strange transportation zooming along, between building and what looked like floating platforms. "Wow", he whisperer. Ean knew he had to find a place to spend the night, it was already getting dark outside the city, inside however, the endless lights kept everything well illuminated for the most part. Ean also realized that he had no idea what type of currency was used here, and he had no plane of yet how to acquire some. First he would have to see what money looked like around here. After much wondering around and dodging trooper's, Ean found what he was looking for, a outdoor market place. Sidling up to a booth that was busy with costumers he observed the exchange of goods. The currency appeared to be small rectangle shaped peaces of metal. Some gold colored others silver in appearance. "Hu, well, guess the shit in my wallet won't do anything!"Ean slapped his billfold in a defeated manor. "Next up, where the hell can I find a safe place to eat something and catch some z's"!  The "safe" place turned out to be a side roof of a large dull colored building only a few block's (as well as Ean could gauge) away. It was about sixty feet in the air and a nasty drop if one was to fall. But on the good side, it was sixty feet in the air and no one could reach, or even see him once there. Other benefits were it was cover on three side and had a overhang from a higher story, making a pretty good roof, as well as once there, he was almost completely out of sight from the ground. There were some sort of large box like shape objects there that he could hide behind while sleeping. "Now folks, the million dollar question is how in hell do I get up there?" Ean narrowed his eyes and ran a hand through is combed hair. Slowly he devised a scheme of assent. With his force increased ability's he saw if he first jumped to a small balcony opposite of the building with the ledge, then jump to another small out cropping and finally leap another fifteen feet up and twenty across he would be nicely at home. The only trick was doing it! "Well I'm not attempting this with both bag's, duffel your staying here"! Talking to himself was one of Ean well used tactics when trying to remain calm. Hiding the large carrying bag behind a dumpster like object, it smelled like one anyway's. Ean looked at his root of assent one last time, focused his mind and with a running start leaped for the balcony! Ean was surprised at how natural everything felt, when he sprung into the air and landed on the balcony railing, he didn't even hesitate, he just looked at his next landing spot and leaped again! Five seconds later, Ean was standing atop his goal looking out at the city lights and activity. Once he had caught his breath, Ean planned his descent to reclaim the other part of his kit. Then an Idea struck him, could he use the force to pull the bag to him? "Lets give it the old collage try" Ean considered. Looking down at where he could just see one corner of the piece of luggage, Ean stretched out both hands and focused on what he wanted to do. Several seconds passed and nothing happened, Ean refocused and tried again and again with the same result. "OH COME ON!!!" Ean half growled! Forgetting his calm demeanor, Ean closed his hand into a fist and jerked it towards himself. The bag was violently yanked off the ground and sent shooting up to where Ean was still holding his hand in a clenched ball, his eyes held a strange light for a second then it was gone almost a fast as it had come. "That's more like it!" Ean purred catching the bag. Then he stopped and shivered, for a few quick seconds he had felt a cold rush flow over him, he shivered again and looked around for the source. But there was none, none that could be seen at least! 

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