Chapter Eighteen. Burning Man

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"Some warriors are torn between differing paths by the choices they have  made. As time goes on however, they must choose what path to follow, then be true to it."  Mandalorian proverb. 

Imperial case file number 2790831. File name, Mandalorian of Torrin. Case file status unclosed, still in progress. Files latest notes. "With the original discovery that a Mandalorian had appeared on Torrin, the Empire has made every effort to rid this world of the consistent threat. When all attempts at destroying the warrior failed, the leadership of this sector decided to use the murdering killer to their advantage. After the Mando leveled just under half of Torrin's capital city, in the process wiping the heart of crime off the map for the planet, leadership was hopeful that this would begin a casual alliance with this warrior. No such alliance has come to pass as far as we have been informed however. The Mandalorian of Torrin is still just as active in his pursuits of robbery and large scale heists. Up to this point, one of the only consoling factors with the Mandalorian problem is that there was only one. Now however, due to several recent viewings and burglaries involving TWO warriors, we believe a second Mandalorian has come and come to stay. Naturally this latest development has been quite troubling to Torrin's leadership. However, more serious thought to what resources can be put in play to stop or even quell this growing threat. One up side has however emerged for all this. Though not one hundred percent confirmed yet and only going off the the word of a few surviving troopers of Mandalorian attacks. We do believe we may have an idea on who this second warrior is. The galaxy known and fear bounty hunter Boba Fett  seems to have appeared at last upon Torrin. He has allied himself with it would seem this other brigand and now the two have  joined forces'. The combined might of the two is to be sure, a power to be reckoned with! Our only hope at this time is to fine some leverage on one if not both to make them stand down. Fett has been off Imperial documentation for a long time. However we are looking into any and all pass associates.  Our investigators remain optimistic for results. Many in command however, have their doubt as to any real success in stopping such a relentless foe as these two have proven to be." End of last Imperial documentation entry. Agent Zonda. K. badge No. 8819. 

Flames exploded from a side ally as two Mandalorian's burst through the blaze and bolted down the narrow passage! Alarms could be heard waling behind them as well as the muffled shouts and orders of officers. Dodging down a few connecting streets the pare suddenly came to an open court yard. A few storm troopers were patrolling the outer edge and as the two warriors entered they spotted them. Ean and Boba launched up into the air and landed on top of the small squad of soldiers. With in a few seconds the last white armored figure hit the ground and the Mandos continued with their get away. "Should be far enough to take flight at the next intersection!" Boba nodded then quickly gave a warning. "Two more troopers ahead, I got them!" 

A light flashed inside Eans helmet as they approached the two troopers who had come running up from the other direction. "Oh shit!" Ean muttered under his breath. next moment he leapt into the air and landed in front of the two troopers, just in the nick of time to stop his friend from killing them. 

"Wait Boba, don't kill them!" Lowering his pistols, Boba Fett cocked his helmet at Ean. "Why not? Their storm troopers!" Waving a hand, Ean nodded. "Ya ya I know, but there MY storm troopers. Happens to be friends of mine in fact!" Turning to the young couple, he quickly gripped each their hands in greeting. "Hey Ray, Shenna, sorry about that!" Motioning to Boba he quickly explained. "This is Boba Fett, I'm quite sure you have heard of him, renowned bounty hunter and all that! We work together now. He didn't know about you two, sorry my bad. Hope all is well, good to see you guys, be careful and talk again sometime, Later!" Running from the slightly confused Imperial troopers, he and Boba shot up into the night sky. 

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