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The sabers clashed in a furious blur of deadly motion. Six crimson blades and one emerald wheeled and spun as if they had minds of their own! The six blood-colored blade's where being brandished by a handful of the remaining Imperial Inquisitors. These deadly assassins had seen much during their long years serving THEIR Empire, but nothing like this! Inquisitors were lightly trained dark side force wielders whose main mission was to hunt down Jedi who had escaped order 66 at the end of the clone wars. In rare cases, some Jedi were turned or more often tortured into submission to become inquisitors.  The Grand Inquisitor himself was once a Jedi temple guard but then turned to the darkness once the republic and its Jedi knights fell.    

Inquisitors usually were in combat with Jedi who were just padawan's when the republic crumbled, so their training was little to none

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Inquisitors usually were in combat with Jedi who were just padawan's when the republic crumbled, so their training was little to none. Easy prey for the ruthless and cruel dark warriors. Another factor that they had in their favor was they almost always fought in packs, never by themselves. Cowards rarely do. To be sure they were cowards, whenever odds started to turn against them, they would quickly retreat instead of adjusting their strategy or fighting smarter. They got used to having things their own way on the battlefield because there were so few that could truly challenge them. Often they were used to crack down on tough rebel cells, one's that would need special attention due to their battle-hardened members. Especially crews or cells that would have a Jedi or force-sensitive members. One of the most famous of these cells was based out of the Lothal system. Indeed the Grand Inquisitor himself perished at the very hand of the once Jedi padawan he was sent to destroy. In the norm, an Inquisitor was the ace in the hole the Emperor needed to quash any tough rebels or forgotten Jedi.  

Now, however, everything had changed! The Emperor was dead and also his feared enforcer Darth Vader. The Death Star was destroyed, hundreds of imperial ships had been lost, and ten's of thousands of stormtroopers were now only skeletons, their bones bleached as white as the armor they wore. The once untouchable empire had now developed cracks and fissures that ran to its very core. New leadership had taken control for the time being and saw the true threat posed by the new and quickly rising republic. As well as the new Jedi order, which as before, joined with the republic as its most skilled and powerful line of defense. Not to mention the new grand army that was growing day by day, week by week, with soldiers that frankly far outmatch imperial storm trooper's and by no small measure. As much as the new leaders of the fast dying empire hated to admit it, they were outmatched in both skill, spirit, and soon to be, men. 

The new command quickly decided to retreat to the outer rim as quickly and tactically as possible. Trying to cut the losses of both manpower and equipment. This is where our story picks up. Six inquisitors were sent to safeguard the removal and relocation of a new Kyber-powered ship shield being tested at a secret Imperial facility. 

Everything had been going according to plan, but in a matter of a few minutes, it all fell apart. The new shields were just being loaded into the cruisers when a republic fleet came out of nowhere. The Inquisitors were quick to join the fight, thinking they would overcome the so-called "republic troopers". They were rushing towards their intended targets, saber's flashing like so many red suns, when it or should I say, HE happened! A single black-clad figure soars over the republic soldiers in a perfect spin and flips to land lightly in front of them, confronting all six red blades. In a flash of practiced movement, the dark creature twirled a green lightsaber from his belt as a set of sky blue eyes regard his adversary with calm determination. The Inquisitor could feel the force flowing off of this being with overwhelming power. But nonetheless, there were six of them and only one of him. So in one coordinated, move all six dark siders attacked! 

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