Chapter Eleven. A Worthy Adversary

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"Always work harder than you feel capable. That way, your enemy's never know your limits" Mandalorian proverb. 

   Ean walk down a crowded street full of life forms, he jostled along, slipping though the masses. As he strode, just enjoying the walk, he felt a sudden cold feeling creep over him. His skin crawled and he began to shiver uncontrollably. Fear seemed to hold his gut in a death grip, he could feel the cold fingers of terror taking hold of him! He frantically turned this way and that trying to see what was causing him to panic so, yet he could not get a sight of it. He started to run, pushing others out of his way. As he tried to sprint down the busy street, he was alarmed to fine that he wasn't running very well. He was in excellent bodily condition and his armor if anything, enhanced his mobility. Yet, his legs dragged and his breath came in ragged gasps.  Stopping for a moment, he looked behind him, what his saw froze him with fear. With long confident steps, a tall lean female figure was walking  towards him.  Dressed in all black, tight fitting pants, a short coat, long in the back with red on the inside and black belt and boots. A same color scheme cape was slung about her with small armor plating on her shoulders. To top off the appearance, an angular matte black helmet covered her head, a glowing red line was where her eyes would be. Although not a word was spoken, he know she was coming for him! He could feel the malice, the hate, the anger and yes........the fear! Emotions very similar to his own! 

The crowds seemed to melt in front of her, allowing  this terror completely unimpeded passage to him. The busy Hustle and bustle of the crowds seem to vanish as she swept towards him. Ean again tried to run away, with all his might he tried to flee, to out run this impending doom, but again his body dragged, his legs would not work properly and his strength seem to have vanished!  Turning again, he saw that she was but yards away and not slowing down! In one last desperate move, he tried to take flight with his jet back. As if by magic, he was not wearing his armor any more, he was just standing facing his impending death full in the face! The evil looking helmet was but inches from his face! Then he heard the voice, definitely female, yet fraught with cruelty and pain!  "How long did you really think you could run from this? Foolish boy!" Reaching behind her back, she drew a semicircular object. Holding it in front of his face, a crimson blade ignited from one end! Lifting a black gloved hand she pulled him off the ground, holding him helpless in mid air. As she swung the red blade back for the killing stroke, she whispered one last word. "Murderer" With a humming sweep, the blood colored blade rushed to end his life! 

The room was dark and peaceful. The blinds drawn over the windows that surrounded two of the four walls. In the center of the room was a large spacious bed. On the bed lay a young man, half covered by the clean white and blue sheets. Everything in this scene seemed tranquil, the only thing that didn't match was the human on the bed. He tossed and turn, thrashed about, moaned, whimpered and cried out!  Then his form  went  dead still for several seconds, he didn't move a muscle, he lay completely paralyzed! 

Suddenly as if a spell had been broken, Ean leapt into the air, at the same moment he let out a screaming cry of pure terror! "NOOOO!!!" Thrashing violently with his sheets, he struggled and squirmed freeing himself of them. Hitting the floor hard he stumbled and crashed about the room until his panicked brain remembered the lights. Snapping his fingers, illumination flooded the room instantly. Gasping and still unsteady, he stood to one side of the bed. He moved quickly over to a mirror hanging on a wall, as he gazed at his almost naked body, he was surprised to see he was grasping a western star 35 blaster, he didn't even remember snatching it off the night stand. He stared at the weapon for a moment, then flicked it back on the bed. He looked at himself in the mirror again, then remembering the night mare he winced and turned his head away. Straitening him self, he retrieved the blaster off the bed and went room by room looking for the aberration that had haunted him only moments ago. Ending back where he had started, he collapsed on his bed.  "AAAHHH, What in hell was that?!" Shakily he wiped a hand over his face. By this time he was used to his nightly terror sessions, they had be happening for so long now, it was just part of life. Uninterrupted, peaceful sleep was a thing of the past for him, he was accustomed to not sleeping for more than max two hours without waking from a terrifying nightmare. It was to the point now, that he would try to catch a mid day nap if possible to keep his energy up and mind clear. 

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