Introduction (Updated)

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           Hello readers!

 First I would like to say thank you for opening this story! 

Now to start things off I will admit this is the first fanfiction I have ever written in my life! Please don't stop reading though! 

However, I am very excited about getting this story on paper as it were, and sharing it with all of you! 

Yet before I get too far, I want to give some history of how this story ever came to be and why in the hell I ever came to write it.  

I'm a HUGE Wars fan and I mean HUGE! No, I don't collect the figures and read every Star Wars comic known to man. To be honest, I don't have the interest, time, or space (space lol) for that. Not to bash those that do, I'm just saying, I, myself, don't do that. 

 However, I do a lot of research on Star Wars history, timeline, and charters. Also, I watch tons of videos telling cool facts about our beloved Syfy galaxy. 

So with that being said, as someone with a very avid imagination, I would bring up different parts of the Star Wars saga and then break it down, rewriting those parts in my mind for my own enjoyment! 

Gradually as time went on, the stories morphed into post-episode six plots and made up continuations for after the destruction of the second death star.  

Now, this was all pre-Disney buying Lucas films. I need to also note that this is an updated version of the original intro. I started actually writing this story just after "The Force Awakens" was released so it's been a while since I started. Okay, back to it. 

So then it happened! BIG news! Disney bought Lucas's film and made the huge announcement that they were going to continue the saga with episodes VII, VIII, and IX!! 

I, like so many others, was like OMG!!!! Was soooooooo excited and couldn't wait for them to be released!

 I had read so many storylines that were written for episodes 7-9 that  I was beside myself with joy to see which one of those they would use!!!! Anyone who has read or looked into legends star wars episodes 7-9 knows that there are some fantastic storylines to be had! 

Months later I was walking out of the movie theater with a friend who is a fellow Star Wars fan feeling................................horribly, terrible, most defiantly, without a doubt. DISAPPOINTED!!!!! 

Months of waiting and $10.00 wasted and for what? A horrible copycat weak storyline, bad acting, trash lightsaber fighting, and cringe one-liners! I was crushed beyond words! Besides a few bad ones that is! All Disney did for all three movies was use 4-6 as a baseline and make a few tweaks! It was lazy writing and it sucked! 

The saddest thing about it is that it makes the fight and struggle of episodes 4-6 pointless! 

So what they are saying is that after the rebels beat the empire, 20 years later after a short power nap and a snack, they get right back up and whoop their ass like nothing!! 

But lets get onto the main event of bashing, the kinky couple from hell! That's right, everyone's nightmare Rey with NO last name and Kylo goth Vader! 

As always, Ladies first! 

Rey is honestly the worst character of those three movies and no, it's not because she's a girl, so don't even go there. 

She was a Marry Sue right from the get-go and only got worse as the saga continued. She always got everything right, never making mistakes, able to fly every ship, fight every villain with ease and IF, I repeat IF she ever failed, she would ace it instantly on her second try. 

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