Chapter Four. A Taste For Terminating

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Ean stood in the shadows watching a group of six figures, he knew they were probably criminals, but all he cared about were the credits they were carrying. Ean observed the aliens exchange currency, words, shake hands and then go their separate ways. Ean tracked there departure with his eye's, waited five seconds, then slipped from his cover and glided silently after the chosen group. By the time they realized he was following them it was to late, one turned in time to catch the first bullet which caught him full in the face, laying him out dead on the ground. The other two jumped in surprise, clawing for their own weapons, but to no avail. Ean stepped over the dead corpse's looking for what he had killed for,  he found it almost at once. A brief case sized carrying container with a small lock on it. He found the key card on one of the bodies, swiped the card though the lock and. "BINGO"! Ean quietly whispered. Stacks of credits filled the box, enough for him to survive for long while. Foot steps pounded down the dark street as the other three aliens drawn by the gunshots came to investigate the source of the noise. Ean once again slipped into the cover of darkness and waited, his eyes gleaming with expectation! Five minutes later, Ean was two blocks distant strolling away from where six bodies now lay, where only three had been. He smiled to himself, it had been a week since the episode in the ally way with the four killers, now however, Ean was the killer and the one who prayed upon others!  He started to frequent the more shady parts of the city and look for money to grab, also keeping his eye's open for credit exchanges like the one he had just jacked. He was very ambitious and already had plans for bigger jobs and larger robberies. Thirty minutes later, Ean stood on his high perch gazing out at the dark city. "So many opportunity's out there!" he said hungrily. "Need to step up my game, hit bigger targets and get more cash!" "I want to get a real place to sleep and get out of this homeless stuff!" Ean took a few minutes to rest and  have a quick bite to eat, he was still getting use to the food on this world. Before he had bought any meals, he took his time looking at a lot of it and making up his mind on what looked the least revolting! After sometime in the more human stores and markets, he found food that looked pretty good. He had bought a large verity so to sample as much as he could and find one or two that he liked.  To his complete surprise, he found that he was taking nicely to this strange worlds food. After finishing his meal, Ean took stock of his weapons and ammo. He was running low on thanks to the past weeks exploits in hold ups and shootings. From the original eight he had killed and Including tonight he had swelled his kill count to almost thirty! Ean never left anyone he robbed alive if he could help it."No use them recognizing me sometime down the road and I don't recognize them! "Then I would be in a pickle!"  Never the less, such safety came at a cost, he only had about two hundred and fifty rounds of 9mm left and one hundred and fifty of 12 ga. "I need to learn about this galaxies fire power and how to get some"  "If not, then I'll be back to starving soon"!  With a resolved look in his eye, Ean reloaded, holstered his guns and made ready to go back out. An hour later, Ean was tracking his latest target. This time he wasn't in the crime filled sections,instead he had been stalking the more wealthy parts when he picked out two well dressed figures hurrying through the crowds. One of the pare was carrying a large promising looking bag. By the way the individual clutched it, he knew there was something valuable inside,  therefore he had found his next victim. Ean watched the root the duo were taking and made a detour to cut them off. He jogged to where he was sure they would appear then started walking in a way so the would run into them head on. Sure enough, there came the unsuspecting pare. As they drew close, Ean slipped his dagger from its sheath and made ready to draw his Glock 43 with the other hand. He timed the meeting perfectly, when they were only ten feet away, he "tripped" and stumbled into the hurrying couples path. As he regained his footing he lunged at the first victim. Sinking his dagger into his chest, then using him as a shield, he yanked his sub compact and squeezed off five rounds into the second well dressed stranger. Neither had any time to react, it was all over before they had quite see what was happening. Ean was just reaching for the dark colored bag when he heard a voice behind him! "YOU THERE, HALT!"  Whipping round, Ean saw four storm troopers hurrying towards him weapons raised! Ean dropped his gun carefully to the ground, at the same time clearing his mind and focusing on what he needed to do! The troopers where only six feet away now, all aiming their strange guns at his chest! "Put your hands on your head, and turn around!" One of them ordered. "Alright" Ean said agreeably, raising his hands slowly, Then with a surge of power, he pushed with the force knocking the troopers to ground and sliding them almost twenty feet back! As soon as he had an opening to move, he stooped to retrieved his compact, then ripped his Glock 17 from it's place on this right hip, took aim and unloaded into the soldiers! To Ean greatest consternation the bullets seemed to do nothing anything at all to his white plated enemies! He empties two mags and all it did was bounce off the shining troopers armor.  By this time, the storm troopers had regathered them self's and started to press their attack on him! As the fight raged on, Ean made a high air leap for some cover behind a wall of a near by building. He had already emptied all three of his Glock 17 mags, and was reaching for his compact again. Between the noise of the different guns going off and all yelling, more storm troopers began to arrive quickly and in numbers! It was at this point in he fight that Ean suddenly realized what the enemy solders where shooting at him! They weren't bullets, They were bolts of solid red light! Measuring about two feet in length. He was amazed at what they could only be, they were lasers! On his own world, most countries let alone people only dreamed of having laser weapon technology. But here it was right in front of him, as well as being shot at him!  Ean got over his surprise at the type of weapons in time to not be terminated by them. He peaked around the corner again to see two trooper's moving up fast, he took a chance and yanked them off their feet with the force, only to pull them towards him. When he was almost touching them he drew his sub compact and positioned the muzzle underneath each of their helmets then fired. The result pleased him very much, a shot taken from that angel did the same to them as it would to any other person! Ean dropped the dead bodies from his force hold and continued to try to figure out a way of escape! He used his yankandrag trick till his 9mm supply was exhausted. "Down to you buddy" he muttered as he leveled the 12 ga. at a trooper and fired. The 00 buck rounds did have more effect on the armored soldiers, knocking them back but still not penetrating their armor to his great disappointment. At the rate the battle was going his shot gun ammo was soon gone and he was almost out of options, Ean drew his knife and prepared for a final stand. As the next three  trooper's rounded the corner of his cover he ducked under the firer, came up in the midst of them and with some very well placed stabs and slashes, all between the plates of their armor, he soon had the trio dead at his feet. Another quick glance around his cover showed that he was soon to be rushed by at least fifteen troopers! Ean looked desperately around for ideas, his wondering eye fell on the fallen storm troopers laser weapon's. Ean kicked himself for not thinking of using them sooner, snatching up one of the dropped guns, he didn't even have time to see how it functioned, he just leveled it at the first enemy that came into sight and started blasting!! Ten minutes later, he was running down a side street like a Olympic sprinter trying to lose the thirty or more imperial storm troopers that were hot on his heals! After he had started using the laser weapon's, the fight went a lot easier, all it seem to take to kill one of the troopers was one shot the the torso and it was all tango down from there! In the heat of bobbing, weaving and firering, he had picked up another gun and started to use them akimbo style. It was much easier than any real gun on earth. For one thing, they had no noticeable recoil, second they never seamed to run out of firering power, it was a dream come true! With him now using their own weapons against them, weapons that could and did kill them, the storm troopers were much less aggressive in their attack on him. Giving him the opening he needed to make a break for freedom! Now, many blocks away and verging on safety, Ean continued his current pace till he felt in his mind and through the force that he was in the clear. Gasping, he staggered to a halting and bent over hands on knees. Moments like these, he cursed his asthma. A few minutes of heavy breathing did the trick and soon he was examining his new weapons more closely. "Damn, these things are sweet, drops those bastards like nothing"!  "These are kinda big to carry in a holster, wonder if I can get some that are smaller and more compact?"  He cautiously peered out at the mane roadway looking for any wondering storm troopers, he saw none. "Ok, I need to get back the camp and do some decision making". Ean was getting much more familiar with the colossal city and knew roughly where he was. After another scanning look, he set out for his  camp site.  Close to two hours later, he was sitting on the ledge of the tall building where he slept, letting his legs dangle and kick in a restful motion, many thoughts were racing though his mind. With this knew type of weapons at his disposal he could start pulling off more of the larger and more daring heights he had planned. Which lead to his next dilemma, he was going to start being recognized a lot more and needed some new gear, as well as some sort of armor.  He had stolen enough credits that he thought he could purchase what he wanted. Then he laughed at himself. "Buy it?" "What am I thinking?" "I'm going to steal what I need and kill any that stand in my way!"  Ean stripped off both Glocks and the shotgun then placed them in his bag. "Sorry old friend's, have to change my load out to fit this place".  Ean then thought through a few plans on how to get the gear he wanted, changed into his sleeping attire, had a quick snack and curled up on his make shift bed for the night. Tomorrow he was going to do some "shopping", the fun way!

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