Book Two. Chapter One. Shadows Of The Past

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"One must fully accept their past, so to have the strength to face the perils of their future!" - Mandalore, Zole Thric.

A bright blue saber spun, then was brought down in a lightning-like strike! At almost the same instant, a similarly vibrantly glowing green blade was being thrust forward in a well-practiced stabbing attack.

As the two sabers landed, both fatal strikes were met and held!

The downward blow had been halted by a like-colored blue blade. The blocked weapon was held over the head of the one that had blocked the strike.

The green blades thrust, however, was being locked in place by a left Beskar plated arm. The part of the blade near the hilt was braced against a gauntlet while further down the edge was being clamped against the inside of the wearer's arm, as well as being pressed against his equally armored side.

For several seconds, the three were locked together with only the hum of the lightsabers and the ever-increasing high-pitched whistling sound of the saber grinding against the Beskar plates filling the air!

Skillfully, the Jedi's opponent kept the pare from regaining mobility of their weapons. He continually was readjusting his arms grip on one of the blades, while with his saber, never ceased to angle and alter the position of the blade keeping the Jedi from pushing through his attack.

The trio moved around erectly, all the while the pare trying to slip through the Mandalorian's stalwart defense.

At last, the two sweating Jedi simultaneously let go of their weapons. This sudden and unexpected maneuver took their armor-plated foe by surprise.

He took a few steps uncertainly backward due to the instant lack of strain on the weapons he had been holding.

At the same moment, both Jedi force pushed the Mandalorian sending him hurtling across the courtyard!

As soon as they had released the powerful energy blast, the pare instantly drew their fallen weapons back to hand. 

The Beskar plated warrior caught himself just before crashing into the ground. His jet pack blazed to life and he righted himself in the air. However before he could, like the other two, regain his weapon, his attackers were upon him!  

The two saber-wielding foes closed the distance to him so fast that he didn't even have time to fully regain his feet. Still in a low stance, he blocked and deflected the blows that rained down upon him. 

Rolling and spinning out of the way of many of the strikes, he was able to break up the rhythm of the pare. As well as enabling him to spy his saber where it lay upon the courtyard pavers. 

However, the pare of Jedi did not slacken their attack in the slightest so as to keep their opponent from regaining his weapon. 

Activating the forward wrist blades upon his gauntlets, the Mandalorian now blocked and struck back in the very close quarters duel. The movements were swift in an almost never-ending stream of deadly action. It was simply one attack or block after another with consistent flitting evasions. 

At last, however, the Mando skillfully ducked under a swinging attack, came up underneath it, and landed a powerful strike to one of the pare with a Beskar plated fist.  

Landing hard on the ground, the force user was down for several moments due to the power and strength of the blow. The other Jedi, instantly forgo a saber attack and did exactly what the warrior had planned for. 

Using the force, the knight lifted the Mando into the air and again sent him flying across the large training area! 

As he did so, however, an object flew past the two Jedi only a second later, indeed while the Mandalorian was still in mid-air! 

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