Chapter Five. Chasing The Dime.

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'Ean crept quietly down the corridor that lead to his room. Jingling lightly, he moved to his door then straining slightly, he raised his right arm and scanned his hand. The door swiftly slid open and he staggered in! Uttering a groan of fatigue, he dropped his heavy burdens to the floor with a jangling crash! Breathing deeply, Ean opened one of them and let loose a stream of shining credits! "OH YA!" he almost cheered! "Damn that was a good haul!!" With cash like this, I can start doing things on a larger scale!" Rubbing his hand's together in excitement, he rebagged the stolen wealth and stuffed it in a closet with five other bags!  He started for the door again but saw the clock just as his hand was on the open switch. "Shit, it's that late already?" Reluctantly he let his hand drop, "I need to eat something and get some sleep. " "But I don't feel like cooking so screw it, I'm going out tonight!" Haha, I have the funds!" Grabbing his helmet and a hand full of extra credits, Ean tapped the open button and stepped out into the silent hallway. 

Although it was getting dark, the streets and air were full of traffic! Ean weaved his way in and out of crowds until he arrived at a large restaurant, it seemed busy and it looked inviting. Though his helmet, he eye's swept the many booths and stools at the bar, all crowded with customers. "Well this looks like a good place to start, lets see what they have for sustenance." Ever since Ean had been improving his income, he also was making it a habit to improve his level of living. He started first with trying out some restaurants then began looking into moving to a higher end hotel. Ean entered the dining facility and look warily around, he was learning to be very cautious in who saw him because of all the heists and robberies. Still he almost never went anywhere with out his armor and two side arms on. He had always loved wearing such things on earth, so now he was never without them! He was greeted by a silver droid that held up a hand in welcome. It said something is a unknown language, it sounded like a question though. "Basic" Ean said shortly. "Of course sir" the droid responded in basic. "May I show you to your seat?" "Yes". The robotic waiter strode down a busy aisle and stopped at a vacant booth. "Here you are sir, may I take your helmet or armor?" "NO" Ean responded quickly!  Then a little softer, "no, I'll keep them with me." Very well, someone will be along shortly to take your order. "Right, thanks."  Ean slid into the bench like seat and slowly removed his helmet. As he set it down on the table he slipped a pistol under it, just as a precaution. While he waited, he produced a holo projector and started looking though targets that were still on his list of to be held up, it was a long list!  "Ok the small bank on Rec'zef way will be next I think".  "Want to case it one more time though, do that after I eat." Soon, as promised, another waiter, this time not a droid, came to his table to take his order. It was a female creature, Ean had learn since what species she was. The Twi'lek smiled at him as she pulled out her order data pad. "And how are you doing tonight?" "looks like your all geared up for something." Anything special"? Ean looked at her blue skin, clean white teeth, bright brown eye's and couldn't help but smile back. He stopped himself from replying in a harsh tone that he had taken on almost all the time with people that asked him questions that pried into his busyness. "No, nothing special, aaaa one sec I just have to finish deciding on what I'll get." He quickly glanced at the menu displayed from a projector in the center of the table. Choosing an item that sounded familiar to what he had eaten at another establishment, he told the waitress his choose and thanked her. "Ok handsome, bring it to you soon as its ready! "With that, she strutted back to the kitchen. Ean couldn't help but watch her back as she made her retreat. He smiled fully now and half nodded, "not bad, not bad at all." Settling more fully into depths of the padded bench, he resumed his thoughts about his further scoping out of his next heist. But soon, his mind wonder, it drifted to memories of him and Dan chilling and talking at fast food joints. Checking out the girls and making some off color, but all in fun jokes, as well as talking guns and just life in general. He continued to ride the tide of this new yet familiar ocean of thought until his order was brought to him by the same pretty Twi'lek. Ean was roused by his senses and the smell of food. Snapping himself out of his long ago remembrances he scooted his helmet aside so his food would have room. As moved his head gear however the butt of his pistol peeked into sight. The Twi'lek looked slightly startled and seemed to be about to say something when she saw the look in Eans eye's. It was a cold, dead, almost threatening look that froze her, both physically and mentally for a moment. "SSHHH" Ean said softy, as he recovered the weapon, yet the disturbing light remained in his eye's.  Trying to recover herself, the waitress cleared here throat and glanced away. "Here's you order, hope you enjoy, let me know of you need anything else." Ean pick up a utensil and answered. "Thanks, I will." He watch her rapidly disappear from view. Taking his first bites he thought. "Well some people just don't understand the precautions I have to use, or the life I live, probably for the best though." The meal was very good and he enjoyed it immensely. "Don't know what I'm eating and really don't want to know" he chucked to himself.  As he finished off his meal, the same waitress came to take away his empty plates and give him the total bill.  Before she could leave Ean stopped her. "I'll pay now" he dug a hand into a pocket and drew out a hand full of credits. Counting out the correct amount for the mean then adding a generous tip. The Twil'lek stared at the pile of money he held out to her. "That should do it, thanks again and have a good night. Slipping out out of his bench he grabbed his helmet and pistol. Placing both where they belonged, one in a holster the other on his head, Ean pushed his way though the crowed eating establishment and out into the busy night life. Taking a moment to decide his next move, he activated his holo map and studied it for a few seconds.  Settling on a rout, he turned and started out towards the premeditated location. Thirty minutes later, he was again in the shadows of many buildings. His sharp eye's scanned the structure of interest. It was a branch bank location, and a long plotted and planed hit. Ean had already studied it before, but he was nothing if not well planned in every large robbery. Once again he circled the building looking at the near by ally ways and other escape routs, planning his rushed escape when fleeing the scene. Just as he was getting ready to leave and head back to his room for some sleep, he saw a group of storm troopers coming up the street. Melting into the shadow of the  wall, Ean waited for them to pass. As the marched by, he over heard what was being said among the soldiers. "New command orders, starting tomorrow night we are going to begin posting sentries around some of these blocks. Been a lot of robberies lately". "Do we have any witnesses of who is doing it, or what they look like?" Only vaguely" "Whoever it is never leaves anyone alive, at every theft there is always body's to go along with it."   "We have a slight description from a few scared witnesses, but only at a distance, nothing very detailed. The only constant is that it seems to be only one person ever time, but like I said, it's not for certain." Hence the extra patrols, command hopes to get a sighting of them or him from a  competent set of eye's". "SO STAY SHARP!" "Roger that sir"  Alright, I want some of you to get a good look around and get the ground in your head, this is our squads section." "Roger"  The group of troopers separated and began to sweep the surroundings. An idea was blossoming in Ean's mind, slowly and silently slipping from shadow to shadow he made his way out of the section and back towards the more busy parts of the city. As he walked he was looking for a storm trooper that was alone, it was rare and it took over an hour to spot one. "Finally!" Ean said to himself upon spotting a lone white armored figure just dismounting a speeder bike. Carefully slipping up near him, Ean picked up a scrap of metal lying on the ground and flicked it down a dark ally. There was a smashing tinkling sound a moment later. "Hu?" "What's that?!" "Who's there?!"  The storm trooper spun around and with his blaster raised, he entered the ally looking for the source of the sound. He found it to late. Ean attack by first using the force to slammed the trooper into the wall  stunning him, then pouncing on his prey with the speed of a cat, kneeing him in the groan while taking control of the hand that still held the blaster. Needing to end the foray quietly, Ean slipped a viber blade from its place on his back and skewered the soldier in the chest between two armor plates. The trooper started to let out a scream of agony which was cut short by Ean striking him  twice in the wind pipe! One more well placed stab and it was over. "Ok now to get what I really am after." Checking that the ally was still clear of spectators, he began to strip the armor off the dead corps.  Once all was taken, he bundled it together best he could and placed it on the ground while he dealt with the body. "Can't have them finding this until after tomorrow night!" he grunted. Picking up the dead weight, he hove it into a trash receptacle then made sure it was cover and out of sight even if  searched for. Satisfied, Ean retrieved the stolen armor, rapped it up the best he could with a large rag he found and then turned to the dead troopers speeder bike. Stowing the bundle of armor in one of the carrying side case's he straddled the vehicle and started to press things till it began to hum. "Ok, I think its on now, I do believe you push the sticks forward and it should go, I hope". He carefully depressed the movement levers and slowly sent the hovering machine forward. It was a lot easier that he had expected. Before long he was getting the hang of it and decided to set out for his lodging's.  

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