Chapter Sixteen. Stone

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                                    "Not all battle scars are on one's body." -- Mandalorian Proverb

The Mandalorian lay on his back gazing upward. His dark brown, almost black eyes, slowly swiveled this away and that, following the light patterns as they made their endless way along the ceiling. He shifted slightly in the bed, turning to look at the time projected on the wall. Still awhile before he needed to rise. Despite the hour, the warrior didn't feel sleepy or in need of anymore rest, so he continued to let his gaze wonder and his mind think upon what was to come.

At last, he glanced once again at the wall display and nodded slightly. Quietly he sat up and swung his legs off the bed, careful however not to awaken the lump of blankets beside him. All that could be seen there was a mop of blond and blue hair on the pillow. A smile crept across the Mandalorian's hard features as he looked at the mass of hair. He sat for a minute on the edge of the bed, then stretched. Bringing his arms down, he flexed his massive shoulders, biceps and chest. His tattoo's steemed to be alive as they rippled on the warriors body!  Slowly cracking his neck, he let his gaze sweep the room. His armor rested neatly on a stand while his clothes were scattered on the floor, exactly where he had tossed them last night. He had be in rush to get them off to put it mildly! His smile spread at the memory. Looking up at the shaded window then back down at the battle scared armor. It had been through a lot and was going to be put through a lot more before he was finished with it. His eyes found their way to his helmet, It looked blankly back it him. The humans face had gone back to the hard, expressionless look that usually rode there. Lost in thought, he missed the slight stir of the bed clothes behind him.  He continued to stare unblinking at the green Mandalorian helmet as he planned for what was to come that day and what he would do concerning a very special matter. 

The Mandalorian continued to silently go over in his mind the day before him, as well as waiting for time to pass before "really" getting up. Suddenly a hand stretched out and touch his shoulder lightly as at the same time a female voice came from behind him.  "Good morning Boba!"  

Startled, Boba Fett turned, arm raised to defend or attack. In an instant though, almost in the same motion in fact, he lowered his arm and took the females hand that had slipped off his shoulder when he had moved. All as if he had planned it that way. Looking into the shining  violet eyes, an instant smile broke Boba's serious mask and he gently stroked the girls cheek. "Morning Ki-Sirren."  

Giving her head a shake, then running a hand through her shoulder length blond and blue hair,  Ki-Sirren Eldar glanced at the holographic wall clock. "Ah, good, we still have sometime before getting up. How long have you been you been awake?" Boba shrugged his large shoulders but didn't pull his gaze from from the girl in front of him. "About Twenty minutes tops." Ki-Sirren shook her head. "Why didn't you wake me?"  Boba's smile widened exposing two rows of clean white teeth. "Wake you, oh no, your far to cute when your sleeping to do that, either way, you looked tired." Stifling a yawn, the girl nodded. "True, but I don't like when your by your self." Boba shrugged, "I've been alone for years, I'm used to it." Ki-Sirren placed both her hands on either side of the bounty hunters time roughened face. Her purple eye looked at the hard battle warn features, the scars that ran here and there across a face that few ever saw. 

"You have been alone to long, now we're together. I never what you to be alone ever again!" Boba's feature grew serious and his eyes shone with a rare light. Leaning down he kissed  the female, then swung his legs back onto the bed. Ki-Sirren slid her hands up Boba's arms until she had linked them around his neck. Encircling the girl with his own powerful arms, Boba drew her to him while lying back on the bed. Letting the blankets fall away, the girl snuggled herself atop him. For a long moment the couple shared a kiss then lay quietly together. Resting her head on Boba's large chest, Ki-Sirren let her fingers trace the lines of scares and tattoos along the mans body. She could feel Boba's strong hands gently rubbing her spine and lower back. Softly, she asked. You sleep okay? Your awake early."  The feared Mandalorian hunter chuckled softly. "Oh my love, I always sleep well as long I'm with you!" A roguish grin crept across his face and a chuckle escaped his lips.  Also, after last night......I was beat! We had quite the time of it, was one of our longest......sessions yet I willing to bet! You were on fire my dear, all I know was when we were through, I was exhausted, and I passed out almost immediately." Still smiling at the memory, he gently stroked the females like wise tattooed neck and back. 

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