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Hello readers, agost2 here with a guessed it...LIFE UPDATE!

Okay so here's the skinny. I have three things I needed to share concerning the future of this story. 

Number one!  After thinking about it and bouncing the idea off a few other people, I have decided to start breaking this story up into BOOKS! 

Okay, don't panic. All this means is that after so many chapters, in this case, it was 25, it will end one book and then start another. Now I don't know if the end of book two will be at chapter 50....but we will see. It will be at a place that has a good endpoint or maybe a cliffhanger! HEHEHEHE. Keep you reading anyway I can! 

As far as the books go, however, they will just be called book one, book two, book three and ect. The story name will not change at all. 

Why have the books you may ask? Someone pointed out that I should do this to give the readers a sense of accomplishment. So when you finish the first book you're like "Wow, I am done with Book One. Now on to the next." That type of thing. 

I hope this is the right decision and you guys like it. I felt it would be a good idea, let me know in the comments what you think.  

I think I ended Book One at a good place that closes enough things, yet leaves enough open that it will make you come back for book two! 

Speaking of Book Two, time for the other update! 

So this is the real LIFE part of the update. 

In the past month, I have changed jobs. The type of work I was doing before made good money and I was very good at it, however, I knew deep down that I was unhappy with where I was. I knew if I never pursued the career I truly wanted, then I would be kicking myself for the rest of my life. 

So that's what I did. Looked into things, made phone calls, did a trial day, and told the people to make me a good offer. They did and now I am in the line of work that I originally wanted to do for years before getting sidetracked with another job. 

So while I am happy and yes things are looking good and money is rolling in......there is a flip side to all of this. 

It will take me FOUR years of schooling and field work to get fully set in this line of work. So obviously this is important and it comes first over other things. 

So here's the point. My time for writing will be cut down and I will not be able to put out chapters as fast as before. Which was not that fast due to their sizes, sooooooo ya. But life always comes first so....sorry. 

Now, this is not to say that I am done writing or even pausing in my writing. NOT AT ALL! I will continue to write every chance I get. From what I can see I will have for time for sitting down and getting keyboard time in, that adds up to several times a week, just not as long of writing sessions and not as many per week. 

However, I will continue to be writing and putting out chapters for yall! Don't worry, there are lots to come! 

All of the above was one of the reasons chapter 25 was so long. Almost 37k words. I wanted to wrap things up in some areas while leaving others open. As well as ending the first book with a large chapter so you would have a bit to read through. 

Okay, number thee and final. 

I will be sending my computer out to be worked on soon. The machine is giving me some glitch issues, so off it goes to be fixed. Maybe a few weeks coming back so there will be a slightly longer delay than normal on the next chapter......again sorry. 

Well, that's all. I truly hope all of you are enjoying my story so far. As always please follow it if you have not already. Hit the like button and comment! Also if there are any other people you know that may like it, please mention it to them! Thanks! 

I really enjoy writing this story, watching it come to life, and seeing it follow the path that I set for it sooooooo long ago! I have had to rework a few things, but so far everything is going well! I do hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I do coming up with it and putting it down! 

Well, thats it! Stay tuned for the next book and chapter coming soon.......ish lol! Farwell for now and may the force be with you......always! 


P.S. By the way! I don't know if any of you star wars fans have heard the news. Disney has officially decanonized, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker.

THANK GOD! Those movies were soooooo horrible it's not even worth going any deeper into! There have been so many rumors that they were going to redo 7, 8 and 9 but this has brought that one step closer. 

As well as info being leaked that they are bringing star wars Rebels to live action and have even cast the roles for some of the characters! 

We also can not forget what they are doing with the Mandalorian and Boba Fett shows. With bringing to live-action of Bo-Katan and the dark saber. As well as the hinted return to Mandalore and retaking of the warrior home world.....I can see that playing into a redo of 7, 8 and 9! 

But hey, just thought I'd drop that bit of good news for all! Stay tuned for more chapters and take care! 

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