Book Two. Chapter Two. More Than a Memory

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"Sometimes the object of one's torment is the key to another release. Much as a woman's love, how powerful it can be! Poison to one, living water to another." Unknown warrior of the Mandalorian Wars. 

The force ghost hovered invisibly within the cave and observed the young force user he had just been speaking with only minutes before.  

As he watched the Mandalorian start commanding his force projected fears, the ghost smiled. When the young man's past horrors and regrets began vanishing as he ordered them into oblivion, the ghost of the past Jedi nodded with pleasure at the success of the warrior. 

From where he hovered with crossed legs and still smiling face, the ghost knew that the young man had passed his final test and would soon find his Kyber crystal. He had been quite pleased to see the warrior put into practice the help and advice he had given him. 

Yet he was most proud of the grandmaster that had taught this Mandalorian the ways of the force. He could not stop the smile from spreading across his glowing, transparent features as he thought of this son. 

All at once, the look of pride and enjoyment on Anakin Skywalker's face died. Standing suddenly, his blue eyes looked left and right. 

Unlike Ean, the force ghost of Anakin could see the swirling power of the force. He could also see the suddenly invading darker energy that was battling that of the light! 

Almost faster than he could react, the shadow of evil power had already invaded the cave and was trying to push out the light as well as him with it! 

Moments later, two more ghostly figures of past Jedi appeared next to Skywalker. All three tried desperately to keep their footing while at the same time forcing the intruding power back! 

However, it was of no use. The more they tried, the energy opposing them only grew all the more! Finally, with a surge of might the three could not withstand, they were propelled from the chamber and into the outer tunnels. 

At the last moment, however, Anakin was able to create a portal in the settling darkness allowing them to see in. Yet this window did not permit them to access or reenter the place they had just been expelled from.  

In the next few minutes, many more force ghosts appeared and all unsuccessfully attempted to breach the sealed cavern. Many however were watching through the force portal at the goings-on within. 

They watched in amazement at the creation of the pillared doorway and the entrance of the dark and shadowy form. Most shied and backed away at the entrance of the creature. All of them could feel the overwhelming evil, fear, and hate flowing off him like the waves of a great sea. 

However what was far more disturbing was when all realized who the figure that had so brutally entered the force cave was, where he had come from and why he was there! 

All could see before much time had elapsed that the young man had been greatly affected by the new and poisonous energy that had entered with his deadly time twin. They could see and feel that despite his best efforts, he would not last long against such a clever and powerful foe! 

Not long from now, they would lose the only hope they had of ever combating the coming darkness! 

One ghost looked through the portal once more. 

"We must get in there somehow and stop this. He can't last much longer!" 

Another shook its horned head. 

"Impossible, whatever they did to breach this place is too powerful even for us. It seems to be feeding off our own strength." 

Yet another ghost appeared to shimmer with frustration and even fear! 

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