Chapter Twenty Three. Without Open Arms.

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"When you find yourself surrounded by those not like your in creed or code, focuses on what is dear to you and what is at your core. Do not lose one's self to distraction's and side paths. And if at all possible, find a brother or sister in arms to help you keep your way and likewise, help them!" 

The soldier flew through the air in a smooth backward motion. He seemed to stay aloft for a long time, almost as if permanently suspended in space. The next moment, he slammed into the wall at the end of the hallway. The body struck the hard flat surface with such force, that despite the stength of the material, a large dent suddenly appeared. The soldier's form crumpled at the point of impact. All watching heard the dull clunk from the metal wall, the crack from the body of the man, and a scream of pain. All three sounds seemed to happen at almost the same time.  

After the cry, the soldier had gone unconscious and dropped to the hard clean floor of the Republic star crusier without another sound. So still and motionless in fact was he, it looked as if he was dead.  

The hall way which the soldier had just been launch down was by no means empty. It had plenty of other troopers, crew members, officers, and droids upon it. Only a few moments before the out break, everything had been flowing normaly and everyone had been hurrying about their busyness. Suddenly without warning, there had been a slight scuffle further down the hallway and the next moment the previous envents took place. 

Now all heads slowly turned back towards the direction in which the thrown trooper had come from. Standing in the middle of the passage were two figures, one of them still had his hand partially raised while the other had a long blade extened from one of his gauntlets. 

Both Mandalorians didn't move for a few seconds. They just let the blank helmets and their silence speak for them. With a slight singing sound, Boba Fett retracted the blade and Ean lowered his hand. Turning to continue in the direction they had been going, Ean quietly spoke over his shoulder. "May want to get him some medical help." 

With that cold statement, both warriors started to walk away. Before they got half a dozen steps however, a few other Republic soldiers and officers broke the stunned quiet and started to follow the pare as well as shouting after them.

"Where do you think you're going?" "Hold there troopers! Thats an order!" "You have to answer for this, don't think you can just walk away!" When the group was only a few yards from the two Mandos, both spun to face them. The movement was so fast and so sudden it made the follwers  start with surprise. 

Again, Ean was the only one that spoke. "And what may I ask are any of you going to do about it? Which of you wants to stop us?" There was a long moment of no one speaking, then he added. "Maybe if the Republic taught more of their troopers some RESPECT, they wouldn't end up hurt so much." Leaning towards the group of soldiers as if to emphasize his words, he once again turned on an armor-booted heel and strode away." 

Luke Skywalker stood in his office facing four others. Two were the helmeted and silent Mandalorians he had just picked up on Torrin and the other two were officers from his command. The pare of millatary leaders looked furious, their face's were turning shades of crimson and the motions they were making were not of the calm type. Each took turns ranting, almost interrupting one another. 

"This is an out rage that these two.....crimals would be allowed to come on board and dissrupt our order and discipline!" "And if that isn't enough, they haven't been on board even halfway back to Coruscant and have already assulted one of your troopers and nearly killed him! I have just come from the med bay and thank the force they have him stablized!" The man paused for breath as his partner continued for him. 

"Now we demand to know why these two.....two.....Mandalorians (he spat the word as if it left a bad tast in his mouth) are here and what is to be done with them! If they are not tamed or locked up, the other trooper will deal with them their own way!" 

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