Chapter Nineteen. Advent

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"A Mandalorian woman's greatest talent is not her charm or beauty, but her strength of body and will." - Mandalorian proverb

 Authors note. Hey guys just a quick thing. I went back and reedited the Intro, prolog and chapters one and two. I knew I missed some typos there and really wanted to get them fixed as well as some story details! Hope your enjoying the story so far! This chapter I have been looking forward to writing for a while now! A little nervous about getting right though! Okay that's it. Regards, agost2. 

Ean paced the halls of the massive facility. His eyes wondered from object to object as his hands followed. He roamed into his and Boba's work shop where there were several projects that he could continue, yet he felt far to restless for that. Ending up in the massive gym, he found Boba benching a substantial about of weigh as if it was nothing. He couldn't help but marvel at the strength of the warrior.  

With a clank, Boba set down the lifting bar and greeted him with a nod. Ean returned the nod and continued to pace. Trying to act like he had a plan and wasn't completely out of sorts, he forced himself to start doing a light work out also. But like everything else before, he couldn't keep his mind on it. He found himself sitting on the floor trying to piece together what and why he was feeling like this. 

After a distracted ten minutes at the indoor shooting rang, Ean finally threw down his pistol. He had awoken that morning from a vivid dream which he could not fully remember. All he could recall, was that for once, this dream was not a night mare. It had show him something that had left him feeling at peace. In his dream.......he remembered a figure, he couldn't pull to his minds eye who it was though though. The dream was more like a vision than anything else. The only thing was that unlike any other time, it was unclear what it was that he had been shown, 

Either way, when he had awoken, instead of suffering from the terror of the dream, he felt as if he had been interrupted right at the part of a movie when you were about to find out who the villain was. Ever since the moment of waking, he had felt out of sorts, discombobulated, distracted and even confused. He felt like a computer in the middle of a update that was suddenly cut off. He had only a piece of the picture but he wanted all of it! 

It had been the first time he had felt at peace in a long time and that dream had something to do with it. When he had first awakened, there was a shadow in his minds eye, he thought he saw just for a moment, the figure of a female all in armor, helmet covering her face. The image quickly faded and he soon dismissed it as only his imagination playing tricks on a confused mind.  

Deep down a voice inside him was trying to tell him something, just what it was he was unclear about and it was driving him crazy. He knew one thing for sure however, until he got this sorted out, he wouldn't be himself. His conscious and subconscious were focused on it so fiercely that it was impossible for him to truly give his full attention to anything. 

At last, just at the pasting of mid day, a semi clear feeling seemed to emerge out of the mist in his mind. It was.......was telling him to go to Rolec's Diner. Ean frowned, then shrugged. "This is just to weird, what in the world is so important that I cant settle down?"  

Boba had picked up on his friends fidgety nature that morning but had said nothing, not wanting to pry. However seeing him still pacing and arguing with himself, he finally said something. "Ean, whatever your arguing with yourself about just do it and stop moping around. What has you so off today any way?" Ean looked at him and smirked. "You'll think I'm crazy." Boba chuckled at that. "My brother, I already know your crazy, so you might as well tell me." 

In about ten minutes, Ean told the other Mandalorian all that had happened and why he had been acting so strangely. Boba listened carefully then commented shortly. "Well I think its clear what you need to do." Ean blinked. "It is?" "Of course, you have a feeling that you should go to the diner, then go to the diner!" Ean coughed then grinned a little sheepishly. "Don't you think that seems...I don't know, kinda silly?" Boba snorted. "Ean, everything to do with you is silly! But, you have to trust your senses. I don't go along completely with the whole force thing, but I will say I have see how powerful it can be and I can see you know what your doing with it. Either way, it may be trying to tell you something, I don't know. All I do know is that your not going to find what your looking for here and all your are accomplishing is getting on my nerves!"

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