Chapter Seventeen. The Mandalorian of Torrin

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"We all fight our own battles, both internal and external. In that regard we are all warriors, regardless of creed." – Mandalore Tamai Vasser

In two different places, two different Mandalorian's stirred at the same time. Both let out groans, one was due to not sleeping well, which he never did, the other was due to pain. One swung his long lean body out of bed and tossed a pistol back onto the night stand. The other slowly stat up in his pilots seat, wincing at the pain and the stiffness that ran through his aching body. One warrior stretched and walked towards a shower, shedding the few clothes he wore while sleeping. Another warrior changed a few blood soaked bandages then applied a pain reliever. As the light in the shower blinked on, so did a light on the control panel of the ship started to flash, alerting the pilot that he had reached his destination.

 As Ean turned the steaming hot water on, so did Boba Fett pull the ship from hyper space. Ean stared at a blank wall trying to clear his mind of what had been plaguing him only minutes before. Boba stared at the brownish red planet with the miles wide city's scattered among its rocky terrain as he tried to not think about the horrors that lay behind him.

As Slave One roared in towards the planet, several other fighters exited dark space behind the bounty hunters ship. Keeping their distance they carefully followed.  

Ean could feel the hot water running down his face and body, he had his head down with his hands palms up against the wall. The liquid felt good, it soothed his brain and helped him forget  all that his mind would bring back to him! How could it be that he didn't feel anything for the actions he took, yet he was still tortured for it in his mind! 

Stepping from the shower, he slipped on a robe and absent mindedly picked up pistol on the way out to his balcony. For a few moments he just stood there. However, his eyes didn't see the breath taking view of the Torrin landscape that was laid out before him. All he felt and saw was.......emptiness and loneliness! He had everything he had ever wanted when he first arrived and yet.......still.....he felt so hollow inside. He had it all, yet he still had nothing! He was feared by all but loved by none! What was he living for but himself? He considered for a moment to really try to think about it, yet he couldn't think of one thing he was doing that wasn't for himself! Shaking his head he smiled sadly. Well you did this to your self mate, you always said you would rather be feared than loved, how does it feel?" 

His gaze swung this way and that over the view, yet he felt as trapped as if he were in a prison! His minds a much darker place than the bright scene before him. Suddenly looking down at the pistol in his hand, an idea came to him. Raising the weapon, he looked at it more closely. "Only three pounds of presser, that's all it would take to make all "this" go away! I could finally have peace and rest!" His mind churning with thoughts, some pulling the gun up, some trying to push it down, he seamed frozen with indecision. Yet his want for serenity and a way out of the mental anguish was almost over powering!

Suddenly, the decision was taken out of his hand! Everything around him faded away and was replaced by a smoke filled, heat drenched, black rock and sand covered environment! He could feel the intense power of the heat waves washing over him! Looking around, he saw rivers of lava, huge volcano's pumping ash and falling flaming rocks into the air! Gazing down, he observed scores of figures, some on foot, some on speeders and yet others in the air flying with the aid of jet packs. Suddenly his point of view was rushing towards the ground, into a tunnel and then froze in front of two people! 

A male and female Mandalorian stood facing one another. The male was encased in a set of green armor and the female in a suit of gray, purple and blue. Each had their helmets off and he could see tears in their both eyes. Not knowing what was going on or being able to hear, he just watched, confused. Suddenly he hear a few words, a few words that sounded like they came from two heats about to break! 

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