XLI (Edited)

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Dear Readers,

Update for you guys,

I would like to thank @kollaid26 @hotchick227 @shivangi0612 User38470325 SalkaBah

@suryansheemeena Goldenwarrior1818 SafiWafi12

@AnjaliJha526 @CindyDronet thayorami @Abelavoir RituYadav241 SirineKrimou5

@romanreignspunisher @trgaylor64 who voted and commented on my previous chapter.

and a big thank you to my lovely readers who added my book to their reading list.

Enjoy Reading the Chapter.



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I woke up due to the chirping sounds of birds & sun rays were falling through our bedroom window...I rubbed my eyes to adjust to my surroundings. I looked at another side of the bed which is empty and the bed looks clean. I think Czar didn't sleep yesterday night over here.

I stood up to head towards the bathroom but suddenly my head started spinning. I immediately hold the nightstand which is close to the bed.

I don't know but I'm feeling really tired today.

I don't feel like going to the office today. I will inform my assistant that I won't be coming today.

I moved forward and stepped in and locked the bathroom door behind me.

After a few minutes, I headed towards my closet to get ready.

After a while, I stepped out and headed downstairs to have some breakfast because I'm feeling hungry.

I entered the dining room, I saw the head maid placing the food on the table.

The food looks yummy and delicious. I immediately sat down and started looking here and there to what have first.

"Ma'am Breakfast is ready. Shall I serve you?" The head maid asked.

"No, I will serve myself. You continue doing your work. Wait, where is Czar sir?" I asked.

"Ma'am, Sir has gone out due to some urgent work. He said he will come in a few hours." The head maid replied.

"Okay, continue doing your work," I said.

She nodded and left.

Suddenly I heard footsteps getting closer towards the dining room.

I turned slightly and saw my brothers-in-law entering the dining room.

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