XIII (Edited)

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Dear Readers,

Update for you guys.

I would like to thank @khairunisha91 who voted for my previous chapter.

I would like to thank @lekhaPandey2 @Cassie24463 for adding my book to your reading list.

Enjoy reading the Chapter.



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I was on my way to pick up Lisa. Today it's her birthday and we planned on going to the salon before we get ready for the birthday bash.

After a few minutes, I arrived at her place.

I texted her from my phone.

Me: Hey, come outside.

Lisa: On my way.

After 5 minutes, she walked through that door and hopped in the passenger seat.

"Happy Birthday Bestie!" I said while hugging her. 

Thank you, but where is my gift?" she questioned while returning the hug. 

"You will get it later in the evening."

"Okay," she replied.

We pulled off from her home and drove to our destination.

After 45 minutes, we arrived at Ruby's salon.

I parked my car in front of the salon and we hopped out and headed towards the salon. 

"Hello, Rush." I and Lisa spoke in unison. 

"Hello, Siena and Lisa. How are you both?" Rush asked. 

"We're good. How are you?" Lisa questioned. 

"Good. so, what you want?" Rush asked. 

"We both wanna have a full makeover," I answered. 

"Okay, come on let's start." She told. 

Rush called her assistants Sadie and Avina.

"Yes, ma'am. Did you call us?" Sadie asked. 

"I want you both to change these two pretty girls into gorgeous sexy ladies." Rush spoke while pointing a finger at us. 

"Sure, ma'am," Avina answered. 

"Hello, ma'am," Sadie and Avina replied in unison.

"Hello," we both responded in unison.

"Umm, calls us Lisa and Siena. Don't call us ma'am. It's too formal and feels like we're kinda old." Lisa answered.

"Yes, ma- I mean Lisa," Sadie replied.

We both followed them towards the chairs.

After we sat in our seats. They started doing their magic on us.

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