XXII (Edited)

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Dear Readers,

Update for you guys,

I would like to thank JaiRam8 @tureloveasmi @AmayaRoberson @BabyBlackBlueWhite @MissSerialKiller who voted for my previous chapters.

I would like to thank @AnetteMortensen @Sutumn2018 @Skaksks2827 @nadyadurranisalar @yundare for adding my book to your reading list.

Enjoy Reading the Chapter.



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As I was gathering my laptop bag, purse, car keys, and phone. Suddenly my brother Hardin barged into my room. 

"Can't you knock before you enter my room?" I spoke while slipping my phone inside my purse.

"I don't need permission in my own house." He answered sarcastically while looking around not me.

"Well, for your kind information mister, You entered my room," I said and walked past him hitting his shoulders.

"Hey! wait?" Hardin yelled from behind.

I stopped and turned around and asked him, "what?"

"Are you going to the office?"

"Yep," I replied emphasizing the letter 'P'.

"Okay, I'm coming with you." He said.

"Why? Where is your car?" I asked.

"At the moment it's at the mechanic store."

"Okay," I replied while entering the dining room.

"Good Morning, dad." I greeted my dad while settling myself in a seat.

"Morning, baby girl." He greeted back.

I took the toast from the big plate in front of me and started spreading strawberry jam on it.

After I finished spreading strawberry on the toast. I started munching it.

"Umm," I moan while closing my eyes taking another bit.

"Sis, can you pass me the butter?" Hardin asked.

"Sure," I answered while passing him the butter.

Dad questioned, "Where is Christian?"

"Christian went to a breakfast meeting," Hardin replied.

"Oh," dad responded. 

"Anyways, I'm done. Are you coming brother?" I asked while standing up.

"Yeah, I'm coming in a minute till then wait for me outside."

"Okay," I replied and started walking towards the main door.

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