XLIV (Edited)

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Dear Readers,

Update for you guys,

A big thank you to all my lovely readers who voted, commented, and added my book to your reading list.

Enjoy Reading the Chapter.



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I tried moving to the right side but a heavy thing was on my chest. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Siena's head on my chest.

I slowly removed her head from my chest and placed her head on the pillow and climbed out of the bed and headed towards the bathroom to freshen up.







I walked towards Siena's side and said while caressing her right cheek, "Siena babe, wake up, you have a doctor appointment today."

She is looking so beautiful and her flawless skin is glowing under the sun's rays.

"Five more minutes, hubby." She replied while turning to another side.

"No, Siena, get up right now," I said.

"Ugh!" She exclaimed while standing up and moved towards the bathroom.

She immediately slammed the door behind her while I stood in front of the mirror and started brushing my hair.

After a while, I took my things and headed downstairs to have breakfast.





"Good Morning, bro." My brothers and Ron yelled in unison.

"Morning," I replied while sitting on the head chair.

"Where is sis-in-law?" Kazimir asked.

"She is getting ready," I replied while serving myself on the plate.

"Brother, one of our gang members wants to talk to you urgently?" Victor said.

"Did he tell the reason?"

"No, brother. he just said that he wants to meet you."

"Tell him to come to our mansion at 11: 30 am."  

"Okay, brother."

"Brother one more thing I wanna tell you."

"Yes, go on."

Suddenly, we heard footsteps coming in our direction.

I signaled them with my eyes that we will talk later.

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