Epilogue (Edited)

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Dear Readers,

Update for you guys,

The last chapter of this book.

Enjoy Reading it.



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Their love conquered after so many ups and downs finally they both with each other...and having a happy family.

It does not start with love but ends up with love...sometimes we think that we can do as we please and the outcome will be the same as we want. But we need to remember that life is full of surprises and sometimes surprises are the best thing that can happen in anyone's life. Like Czar and Siena, the lovebirds felt love, pain, care, and a full package of mixed feelings...and have a happy ending.

Now, after two years, they are still going strong and their love is growing day by day. Siena's priorities changed after giving birth to triplets. She works from home because she has to take care of her children. She can't trust any nanny or stranger to look after their children. She gave birth to one baby boy and two baby girls on an early summer morning on June 24th, 2019. On their one-month anniversary, they got the best news in the world which totally changed her and Czar's life. They both cannot be happier with the way their children have been blooming into bright and wonderful persons. All three children have different personalities but one common thing between them is the love they share among themselves. Ciliana is the calmest and curious child out of the siblings. She loves to read and do gardening with her mamma and at the same time, she likes to draw and learn new things from her papa. Next comes Cade and Cady the first and second child out of the siblings who is a complete replica of their daddy Czar as they both don't like to talk much although they observe things very sharply. They both are sweet to their sibling Ciliana and family but they always give a cold shoulder towards any unknown persons.

Czar has become more powerful and wealthiest in the business and underworld. So, it's not easy for him to give a lot of time to his family as he has a workload on his shoulder than before. However, he manages to spend some quality time with his amazing kids and beautiful wife by taking them on vacations. He sometimes gets scolding by his wifey for spoiling the kids with luxurious gifts and vacations but he shuts her up by saying that he is working so hard just because he wants to provide the best to his kids.


Two years later,

"Czar wakes up, today it's our triplet's birthday. We have a birthday party to host. Only a few hours left to get ready." I said while shaking him on his shoulder.

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