XIX (Edited)

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Dear Readers,

Update for you guys.

I would like to thank @khairunisha91 who voted for my previous chapter and @sofreign @cpoole1 @florMontealban @MishaelaRomandaGamao @Doodle221738 @Alirose182 for adding my book to your reading list.

Enjoy Reading the chapter.



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I felt elated with my knight, Czar. he is the spark in my darkness. Yesterday was the best night of my life, the dress, the surprise, the dinner, getting to know each other more, the private beach, he knows my love for beaches, sleeping together for the second time. Everything about it is blissful and magical. he dropped me back home. And said that he will call me later. Before I got out of the car. Czar gave me a mind-blowing passionate and hungry kiss. His surprises still astonish me. I irrevocably, deeply fell for him.

I thought to sleep for a few more hours. So, I slept.

After 5 hours, I woke up and got ready for the day.

I was acting like a teenage girl.

My stomach fluttering with butterflies and doing somersaults.

I headed downstairs to have breakfast.

When I entered the dining room. My face became pale due to a new audience.

What the fudge? I mumbled.

I was shocked.

The girl I met at the fundraiser concert is sitting with my family.

Catherine Perez.

She has some mystery around her. And I can't figure it out.

"Hi, everyone," I greeted with a big smile.

"Hello," they greeted back with worry in their eyes.

"Hello, Siena sis," Catherine greeted with a big smile on her face.

"Hello, Catherine," I greeted back with a fake smile.

"So, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm not the right person to tell. Your dad will tell you."

"Dad, what's going on? What is Catherine telling?"

"Babygirl, first sit down and have breakfast. I will tell you everything after breakfast."

"Okay," I answered, and quietly started eating breakfast.


Everyone including me sat on the couches in the living room.

Everyone was silent.

Looking here and there or checking their phones every two minutes.

I cleared my throat and questioned, "Well, dad can you tell me now?"

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