XX (Edited)

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Dear readers,

Update for you guys.

I would like to thank @tureloveasmi @JaiRam8 @reneebrace who commented and voted for my previous chapters.

I would like to thank @destorlyka @lucyDF12 @lovelspainful25 @teashaboo123 @manu4339 for adding my book to your reading list.

Enjoy Reading the Chapter.



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Yesterday night, well don't even ask. I was head over heels with her and her cute expressions. You should see her expressions when I gave her a surprise. It was cute. Sometimes she pouts with a cute puppy face, sometimes she asks, "why you did all this? It's not necessary to do. Just a simple dinner and spending time together is enough." 

Uh! Girls are complicated. My inner voice said.

I dropped her at her home before giving her a passionate and hungry kiss. I told her that I will call her later and pulled off from the driveway.

I was still relishing yesterday night until my phone rang.

I put it on the speaker.

"Hello, baby bro, where are you?" Kazimir asked.

"On my way home," I answered.

"Okay, come quick. We need a lot to talk about." He spoke and hung the call.

Stupid of my brother not even said what he has to talk about? Just hung the call. No one hung on me until I say.

I should show him who is the real boss?


As I stepped inside the living room, I'm hugged with questions.

"Guys, I need to breathe, let me, please.

My brothers & Ron stayed quiet.

After taking a deep breath, I answered their questions.

My brothers, Victor & Kazimir started teasing me. Whenever they get a chance.

I yelled, "stop teasing me and let get to business and let's have breakfast. I'm starving." 

We all walked to the kitchen.

Kazimir is making scrambled eggs.

Alek is making black coffee for us all.

I and Victor is making toast and bacon.

Ron is arranging the table with plates, spoons & forks, and glasses.

After a few minutes, We started having our breakfast.

Ron cleared his throat and told with a straight face, "boss, we are leaving tomorrow morning to Moscow."

I stopped eating and looked at him.

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