I (Edited)

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"Hey, where are you?" My brother Hardin asked

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"Hey, where are you?" My brother Hardin asked.

"Hello, on my way," I replied to him.

"Okay, come soon, the meeting is starting in 35 minutes," Hardin replied to me.

"Okay, sure. See you." I replied to him and cut the call.

Ah! This rain doesn't stop. I hate it. I'm already late. I have to get my coffee from Starbucks and then I have to go to the office.

I'm Siena Davies. A 22-year-old, editor of a well-reputed publishing company firm named Davies Publishing Inc. which is the number one position in London, United Kingdom. Well coming to my family, my parents were divorced when I was a month-old baby. I hate my mother to the core. My childhood was imperfect and ruined by her. My father or my brothers never took her name or discussed her in front of me. Sometimes, I miss her a lot. I wish she could be by my side and hear me. I stay with my father, Alexander Davies, and my two older brothers, Christian Davies and Hardin Davies. I am my brother's favorite. My father and my older siblings were each other support, and strength took the responsibility for the publishing business into their hands, and finally, after 10 years, their hard work paid off.

My dad, Alexander Davies, is the chairman of Davies Publishing Inc. whereas, my first older brother, Christian Davies is the CEO of Davies Publishing Inc., and my other brother, Hardin Davies is the Managing Director of Davies Publishing Inc. Since my mom left me, I never felt sad. My dad and my brothers were always very protective of me. My brothers named me sunshine as my nickname because after I was born, our publishing Inc became number one. I guess I was their lucky charm. Luckily including my dad and my older siblings, I have my childhood best friends, Jake and Lisa, who always shower me with joy and love. They both are twins. Lisa works with me in the publishing house. She works in the financial department as a manager. Whereas her twin brother and my best friend Jake is the CEO of Walter Industries. Due to some illness, his father, Lewis Walter, died and the responsibility of the company is given to Jake. My dad and twins dad are best friends since kindergarten. The twin's mom, Laila Walter, is a sweet and beautiful lady. Whenever I visit her she always cooks my favorite white sauce pasta and makes me a delicious Belgian Chocolate cake. She is like my second mum. After my mom left, my family and Laila took nice care of me. 

Coming to my educational background, I studied literature at Oxford University. I have a passion for reading and writing books. Finally, my dream is fulfilled and now I am working as an editor.

While covering myself under the umbrella, I walked towards the Starbucks, ordered my coffee, and paid for it. After five minutes, I got my coffee and headed outside covering again under the umbrella, and drove my car to the office.


I walked into the conference room and wished everyone "Good Morning!" And sat next to Hardin, my brother. Everyone wished me back "Good Morning."

My dad, Alexander Davis, told Ms. Barnard to start the meeting.

Ms. Barnard told her assistant Maria to switch off the lights. And switch on the projector.

The projector screen was flashed with a picture of a handsome, charming, hot, and sexy guy. He was wearing a navy blue Armani suit. His hair is dark brown. He has a sharply pointed nose and his emerald green eyes are intimately mesmerizing. He has perfect pink lips.

Ms. Barnard told the girl employees to stop staring at the screen and listen attentively to me because he is not what you all think. She started explaining about the emerald green eye stranger guy from the picture...

Till now the cops didn't catch him or don't have any proof against him. so, we've to help them in finding the evidence against him. 

Presently, he is in London, and will permanently live here. 

"I want all the employees to research him and get proof against him. "Is that clear all of you? Any questions?"

After hearing all the information about him, my heart broke into pieces. I hope that I will not meet him.

Her assistant Maria again switched on the lights.

I raised my hand and said, "Ms. Barnard, stop doing this researching and getting proof against him."

She replied to me, "Ms. Davies, I am doing my job and cannot stop it because Mr. Davies told me to discuss Mr. Pattinson in the meeting."

I looked in my dad's direction with rage and asked him, "Why do you want to know about him and what he does?"

I told to him, "I cannot take any risk of the publishing house, employees, you, and brothers' live. If he kills you all. What do I have to do? Go around courts and fight for our company and loved ones. Sorry I cannot take any risks."

Dad started to say but my brothers Christian and Hardin interrupted and said, "Siena, is right. No means No dad."

Hardin said to "Everyone resumes to your respective work. And don't do any research on Mr. Czar Neil Pattinson."

Everyone left except me, Christian, Hardin, dad, and Ms. Barnard.

Christian asked dad, "What were you thinking, dad? Why do you want to know about that stranger? He is really dangerous."

Dad looked at us and replied, "Look I know I am doing wrong, but try to understand, there is a big reason behind this. I am ready to tell you all."

I told to dad, "Dad, I don't want any explanation from you. Our company will not involve in this matter."

Ms. Barnard told us, "Just listen to what Mr. Davies trying to tell you all."

I replied to Ms. Barnard, "Look I really respect you. But instead of taking dad's side. Look into the consequences we will face."

My dad replied to me, "Siena, once listen to me."

I replied to him, "No dad. Stop, I don't want to hear anything. My final decision is to stop doing research on Mr. Pattinson. If you didn't stop, you will see your daughter's death news on the television."

I and my brothers said, "Goodbye" to dad and Ms. Barnard and left the conference room.


A/N: Hey Lovelies, 

How is the First Chapter?

and did you like the female lead 'Siena?' 

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