XVI (Edited)

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Dear Readers,

Update for you guys.

I would like to thank @eris_94 @khairunisha91 @loveteenabhati @trueloveasmi who voted and commented on previous chapters.

I would like to thank @AranikaRoychowdhury @Langtiao1021 @mehakarzoo for adding my book to your reading list.

Enjoy Reading the Chapter.



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At last, Siena became mine. 

 "The first time I saw her it wasn't love at first sight, my love for her formed gradually. Her appearance, her voice, her hair, her eyes, her flawless skin, her luscious pink lips, her humor, the way she looked away and smiled. Gradually it all came clear to me, she was exactly what I was looking for."

Siena is my world, everything starts with her and ends with her. I want my life to be forever like that.

The best night of my life was last night. I will never forget that. It will always and forever will be captured on mind & heart.

I'm waiting for the day when I will propose to her. She will say yes and we get married and live happily.

I still can't believe the girl who I use to crave is fucking mine now.

The passionate kiss, the long talks, the touch, the smile, damn it blows off my mind.

I really wish that I take her away and never bring her to this cruel world.

She doesn't deserve the world I live in. she is too good for me, much more than what I deserve but no hell if I will ever let her go. No one, not even her can do anything about it.

She is the fire and I'm the burning moth who will die without knowing the reason.

When Siena entered my life, I changed. When she is in front of me. Everything around me becomes a blur. 

I'm this lovesick bug who always wanted to be loved and cared only by her.

Before her, my life was in distress. Always behind criminals killing, revenge, business, drinking, clubbing, and one-night stands, etc.

But now, no regression. Only happiness. If anyone tries to snatch her away from me. The world will be doomed upside down and there will be many consequences.

Coming back to last night's events, the passion I had for her was killing me inside. The beautiful girl who stood in front of me is looking fucking damn sexy in that floral white dress. I wanna rip off that dress and pleasure her. 

The touch, the kisses I was giving her was the best moment I've felt. 

Her fluorescent strawberry smell was like a drug to me. Now, It became my favorite scent.

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