XVIII (Edited)

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Dear Readers,

Updates for you guys, 

I would like to thank @eris_94 @FlorMontealban @putiona who voted for my previous chapters.

I would like to thank @phoenixHelliceKisash @jovileivanna @AnushaChinagi @Nimconi @darkrebel11712 for adding my book to your reading list.

The highest rank #1 in Czar 04-12-2019 & #2 in Siena 04-10-2019. The highest rank #2 in Czar 04-14-2019 & #3 in Siena 04-14-2019.

The highest rank #2 In Czar 05-03-2019 & #3 In Siena 05-04-2019. Thank you so much, my lovely readers. without you guys, it wouldn't have been possible. keep reading, keep voting, keep commenting. you are my inspiration, so I keep writing it. I love you guys. you guys are the best.

Enjoy Reading the chapter.



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I woke up due to the phone ringing. I checked my phone screen and saw my brother Kazimir calling. I immediately cut the call and messaged him saying, "I'm on my way and will be there in 15 min." He replied, "okay, baby bro."

Normally he doesn't call. If there is an emergency. He calls me. But today is the first time, he called me early morning. I don't know what's with him?

I shut down my phone and slide it into my pocket.

I tried to move out of bed. But my babe is not letting me go because her arms are secured tightly on my neck. I slowly leaned towards her face and gave her tendered wet kisses trailing towards her jaw and neck. She slightly moved and removed her arms from my neck.

She looks so cute and adorable when she is asleep.

Yesterday was the happiest day of my life. But today will be a happier day in my life.

Because today I'm going to take her on a date.

I will make this date the best night of our lives. 

I already informed one of my hotel managers to do the arrangements for the date and my caretaker for arranging a bed on my private beach. And one of my friends runs a boutique in London downtown. I informed her to deliver a red alter dress with heels and accessories. She replied, "I will deliver it before 1 pm to the requested home address."

It's still early. I will text her later.

Before leaving, I slowly walked to her desk. Took a sticky note and started writing...

Dear Babe,

A beautiful red rose for my beautiful angel.

Good Morning, babe. By the time you reading the note. I will be gone.

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