VII (Edited)

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Update for you guys,

I would like to thank @khairunisha91  @luffyUsui who voted and commented on the last chapter.

Enjoy reading this new chapter.


A few minutes back, Lisa called and said, "Girl, We're going shopping

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A few minutes back, Lisa called and said, "Girl, We're going shopping. Meet me at the infinity mall in an hour." "Okay, see ya," I replied and hung the call. We both are shopaholics. but, Lisa is a more shopaholic girl than me. Now, I was on my way to infinity mall, Listening to Maroon 5 - "One More Night" song on the stereo. Suddenly I got a text on my iPhone. It's from an unknown number. I opened and read the text. 

Unknown Number: Hey babe, How are you? Did you miss me?

I don't know who is texting me, maybe it's a prank. I ignored the text and placed my phone in the passenger seat.

Again my phone chimed alerting me a message. 

Unknown Number: Answer me, babe.

Who is this stupid brat, irritating me in the morning? So, I texted back.

Me: Hello, May I know who is this?

Unknown: Babe, Czar here.

Me: How did you get my number?

Unknown: I have my sources, babe.

Me: stop calling me babe, I am not your babe.

Unknown: No, you are my babe. I will call you whatever I want. Let's have coffee? My treat?

Me: NO, I am busy. I am on my way to the office.

Unknown: Okay, I will pick you up at 1. We will have lunch together.

Me: I cannot meet you. I have other business to finish.

Unknown: I will pick up you. I am not telling you. It's an order, babe.

I didn't reply to him.

I placed it again in the passenger seat.

Is he insane? Why does he want me? He can find some other chick right. and How dare he orders me to come for coffee? Can't he kindly ask me for coffee? I am really pissed at him. I will avoid him.

After 30 mins, I arrived at infinity mall. I parked my car at the parking lot and hopped out and entered the mall.

I called Lisa and asked, "Where are you?"

She replied, "I will be there by 5. I'm just two blocks away."

"Okay," I said and hung the call.

Again, my phone started ringing and on the screen, it showed my brother Hardin's number.

I immediately answered the call and said, "Hello, Hardin! What's up?"

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